Cassette Tapes Turned Into Celebrity Portraits

Published 14 years ago

You probably think that cassettes are dead?  Well, think again!

Erika Iris Simmons (born in 1983 in St. Louis, USA) uses old cassette tapes to create incredibly artistic celebrity portraits. Since her emergence Erika has blended the concerns and methods of conceptual art with craft-making and popular culture to create her own whimsical installations. She explores the nostalgia of the archaic, using donated second-hand items as her prime media. Currently, Simmons lives and works in Atlanta.

Website: | flickr: iri5

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1. The Beatles

2. Debbie Harry of Blondie

3. Bob Dylan

4. Bob Marley

5. Kurt Cobain

6. Jimi Hendrix

7. John Lennon

8. Madonna

9. Marilyn Monroe

10. Paul Griffiths

11. Melora Creager

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casette art, cassete portraits, cassete tape, Erika Iris Simmons, Erika Simmons, wide-post