Butt It’s For A Good Cause: Cheeky Bus Ads Promote Colon Cancer Awareness
Sitting down carries the risk of exposing one’s butt-crack to the world. However, this bus ad by Meredith’s Miracles and FCB ad agency suggests that you show your butt to at least one person: a doctor. You see, this is a clever ad that is meant to raise colon cancer awareness. It’s the second deadliest cancer, and over 130,000 Americans are diagnosed with it every year. However, checkups can help diagnose early and prevent the spread.
Meredith’s Miracles Colon Cancer Foundation works to spread awareness about colon and rectal cancer, and to provide financial aid for young adults undergoing treatment for the disease. FCB Chicago is the agency that came up with this add. Now, millions of Chicago’s buss passengers get some for thought.
Hopefully, this will get at least a few of them to spread their cheeks.
More info: merediths-miracles.org | Facebook | Twitter | fcb.com (h/t: boredpanda)
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