20 Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up What It’s Like To Be Broke
Not all of us had the privilege of growing up in a well-off family, and some people struggle to find a well-paying job at a certain phase in their lives. Despite the sadness and struggles, lots of poor or broke people find a way to cope with their problems.
One way to cope with stress and anxiety is ‘humor’. Since laughter releases brain chemicals that fight such negative mental conditions, there’s no wonder why broke people develop a good sense of humor. Bored Panda recently came up with a list of tweets in which they shared the incredibly funny and dark humor of people who are not afraid to admit that they are broke.
Image source: steverox777
Image source: HomeProbably
Image source: SaluteEm_Rat
Image source: BigJoe_KE
Image source: thatshaikh
Image source: ColIegeStudent
Image source: sophiamaws
Image source: chrismsotto
Image source: NicCageMatch
Image source: thefunnyworld
Image source: Laurrr_iee
Image source: BronxAF
Image source: shutupmikeginn
Image source: BacklineNurse
Image source: TMWanish
Image source: peachesanscream
Image source: david8hughes
Image source: coliegestudent
Image source: TheCatWhisprer
Image source: ArfMeasures
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