25 Everyday British Things You Won’t Find In America
Cultural differences between nations can be both fascinating and bewildering. Reddit threads often provide a platform for people from different parts of the world to share their unique insights, anecdotes, and observations about their own countries and cultures.
In a recent Reddit thread, some British people took the opportunity to discuss the “totally normal” things they find nonexistent in America, shedding light on some intriguing cultural disparities that might leave you scratching your head.
Image source: Strikhedonia_1697, netflix
Philomena Cunk
Image source: dokidokipanic, Dávid Ďurčo
Paths (sidewalks) everywhere.
I don’t understand living in a place where you can’t walk down the street to the shops.
Image source: ciderlout, Amie Johnson
There was a documentary about a US aircraft carrier meeting up with the new British aircraft carrier.
In the US navy they are not allowed to drink on ship.
The British aircraft carrier has a pub.
The look on those American sailor’s faces. Lol.
Image source: jar0fair, Malcolm Manners
Clotted cream…it’s so good.
Image source: almacoby, Aaron Gustafson
We don’t have assault rifles because they are too dangerous.
America doesn’t have kinder eggs, because, apparently, they are dangerous.
Image source: Jaybetav2, alleksana
proper Cadbury chocolate
Image source: na_ro_jo, Rob Koster
Image source: Agreeable_Text_36, iSAW Company
Roman ruins
Image source: LeskoLesko, kahvikisu
Black currant. Oh the fruit pastilles, ribena, lord I’m sorry but I love black currant jam and yoghurt so so much
Image source: IdleBonobo, Bence Szemerey
Walkable cities
Image source: mitten2787, nualaimages
Christmas crackers & the little paper hats and bad jokes that go along with them.
Image source: unwantedaccount56, v2osk
Image source: fck_this_fck_that
Dry British humor
Image source: RelaxedDetermination, tabitha turner
Immaculate weather and nuanced sarcasm
Image source: snoee, Dan Burton
Most salaried jobs in Britain give you 25 days of holiday, plus the extra 8 (or more depending on royal shenanigans) bank holidays. So 33 days off a year.
Image source: LuinAelin, George Morina
My dad spent some time in A&E yesterday after a bad fall, and we won’t be getting a bill
Image source: MrDundee666, Castorly Stock
As a sparky I’m proud to say we have the Type G plug. The best standardised plug anywhere in the world. British wiring standards in general. 230v FTW. Boiling water in microwaves you heathens.
Image source: Impossible-Toe-7761, Valeria Boltneva
Full English Breakfast,with proper bacon and Heinz beans..my nan would make fried bread to go with this..heaven
Image source: thesevenleafclover, Sarah Chai
Maternity leave that doesn’t result in an 8 week old at daycare.
Healthcare that doesn’t result in bankruptcy should you develop diabetes or need life saving surgery.
Most importantly, Tesco.
Image source: ellasfella68, Arthur Franklin
History. There are hundreds of pubs older than the US. My mediocre city’s cathedral just celebrated its 900th anniversary. We’ve been doing s**t a *long* time.
Image source: Royal_Visit3419
People that take down a terrorist with a narwhal tusk, spear and fire extinguisher.
Image source: mywerkaccount, Channel 4 Entertainment
Top quality Panel Shows (8 out of 10 cats, Countdown, Would I Lie To You?, Taskmaster, QI, Big Fat Quiz, etc).
American comedians are just too competitive to do it proper (Whose Line is it Anyways? is the closest)
Image source: doctor-rumack, Yelena Odintsova
Clean and efficient public transportation. I know Londoners aren’t always happy with the Underground, but as an American it was the cleanest, safest and most efficient rail system I have ever seen, especially for the scale of the operation. Of course I’m from Boston so there is a very low bar with ours, but still.
Image source: hoosierhiver, Pixabay
Image source: mpchooligan, King’s Church International
Medieval castles
Got wisdom to pour?
So you pay for your health care with taxes rather than paying directly. That doesn’t make it “free”, you just pay at a different time. People who describe government-run healthcare as “free” have an appalling ignorance of basic economics. It’s like thinking that something you bought with a credit card is free because you didn’t have to take paper money out of your wallet.
NHS: So you pay for your health care with taxes rather than paying personally. That doesn’t make it “free”, you just pay at a different time. People who describe government-run healthcare as “free” have an appalling ignorance of basic economics. It’s like thinking that something you bought with a credit card is free because you didn’t have to take paper money out of your wallet.