30 Times A Brand New Sentence Was Born, Shared In This Online Group

Published 3 years ago

We read hundreds of things on the internet every day, and usually forget them in a few minutes. But on rare occasions we stumble upon sentences that manage to occupy a special place in our minds forever – and only the most memorable ones end up on the r/BrandNewSentence subreddit.

The users of this subreddit are sharing unique and unexpected sentences they managed to stumble upon, and you can’t help but admire the authors’ creativity. Check out a collection of sentences that left a lasting impression in the gallery below!

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#1 Griefcase

Image source: malonza_muli

#2 Brad And His Cloud Of Lies

Image source: doenerzwerg

#3 We’ll Keep Ye Plump As A Partridge

Image source: benphillip

#4 Marked Slices Of Tree

Image source: KatieOldham

#5 Soak It In Olive Oil

Image source: 2Apples3

#6 Name That Death Megatron 300

Image source: exhaggerated_imagine

#7 Lesbians To The Rescue

Image source: cloddishThyme983

#8 He’s My Biological Dog

Image source: Gooooats

#9 I Do Not Vibe With This Soil

Image source: meme_mayezster

#10 Is America The Rest Of The World’s Florida?

Image source: ShinigamiDady

#11 Happens To The Best Of Us

Image source: alicewetterlund

#12 No No, He’s Got A Point

Image source: Adm1sty

#13 “I Was So Insulted I Woke Up”

Image source: Blackpanther786110

#14 Spare Me The Itch Juice, Thank You

Image source: notsofancymum

#15 We Drove Out The Lubrication

Image source: theredditanator

#16 The Future Is Meaningless But The Pasta Is Now

Image source: Matelord99

#17 How Else Would You Name Dinosaurs?

Image source: genius23sarcasm

#18 Stay Fresh Cheese Bags!

Image source: EnlightenmentAddict

#19 Those Are The Holes Poked In The Container So We Can Breathe

Image source: reddit.com

#20 Illegal Underground Grandma Karaoke Bars

Image source: orchid_breeder

#21 Floppy Discs

Image source: karenvideoeditor

#22 World Changer

Image source: ronnui_

#23 Hottie Hot Take

Image source: nividdesai

#24 I Am Chorizo

Image source: kevinowdziej

#25 “Gays Are Using Windmills To Waft Homosexual Mists Into Your Home”

Image source: jackwick23

#26 A Brain The Size Of A Chocolate Chip

Image source: highway_40

#27 Crotch Fruit Employees

Image source: MaxQuill

#28 Anon Knows The English Language

Image source: HurrHurrHurrCheese

#29 Have We Checked All Food To See If Exploding Them Makes Them Into Something Better, Or Did We Just Stop With Corn?

Image source: ShinigamiDady

#30 “Festering…”

Image source: Octo-bird

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

Got wisdom to pour?



Brand New Sentence, funny, funny sentences