Artist Mixes Up Famous Brands And It’s Really Confusing

Published 8 years ago

French graphic artist Mike Stefanini has been playing around with iconic international brands and placing them on everyday consumer objects such as soda cans, burger boxes, and soda cans.

His other Warhol-esque designs include the red and white Marlboro logo on a takeout burger box, Heinz Tomato Ketchup branding on a spray canister, and our favorite, the Netflix logo on a pill box.

Speaking about his designs, Stefanini commented on his website: “by mistake, I placed the Nike logo on a Coca-Cola can. I found the result nicely subversive, so I decided to apply the idea of placing them on other consumer products.”

Tell us your favorite examples of Stefanini’s work in the comments below, and don’t forget to let us know if you’re up for some Netflix and pills. We are if you are.

More info: | instagram | facebook (h/t: boredpanda)

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andy warhol, art, brand confusion, brand mixing, graphic art, graphic design, iconic brands, international brands, mike stefanini, netflix and pills