“Bone Apple Tea”: 20 Times People Hilariously Butchered A Common Phrase
In August 2016, Dunta Pickett shared a photo of his dinner on his birthday with the caption, “bone apple tea” instead of “bon appétit”. This post quickly went viral for its typo error and was so popular it even inspired the creation of a subreddit by the same name, r/BoneAppleTea.
Now having amassed a following of over, 1.2 million members, the subreddit shares fun typo errors that are similar to Dunta’s original where words are replaced with hilarious similar-sounding alternatives. Scroll below to see some of the best ones shared on the thread which are bound to enter-ten you!
#1 Mental Illinois
Image source: Astrxxl
#2 Review Mirrors
Image source: JoojKarlos
#3 Genuine Pig
Image source: sarcosaurus
#4 Cow Flower Pizza
Image source: brizzboog
#5 Center Fudge
Image source: xzzz
#6 Prawn On A Chest Board
Image source: Pinapickle
#7 Bi-Curiously
Image source: WannabeEgirl_Ellie
#8 Completely Mind-Bottling
Image source: RoseAlma
#9 Air Ducks
Image source: AH_Nastyface
#10 My Nipple Ate
Image source: dontcallmefeisty
#11 Would You Ostrich-Size Them?
Image source: nothingandnowhere7
#12 Pee Pee Tom
Image source: GMgoddess
#13 Fire Distinguisher
Image source: joe-vee-wan
#14 Urethral✨
Image source: AgreeableAd9816
#15 Doggy Dog
Image source: SilentNyxx
#16 Bob Wire
Image source: OblateEast51
#17 Delicious Hand Soup
Image source: FabulousCeiba
#18 Toe Food
Image source: vintagepop
#19 I Found This Up Hauling
Image source: CnamhaCnamha
#20 Four Meal Your
Image source: carrot-parent
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