5 Bobby Rogueone Murals In Glasgow That You Must See

Published 1 month ago

Walking on the sidewalks of Glasgow is no longer a mundane task, especially when the views are breathtakingly magnificent. Though you may be unaware of Glasgow’s cultural richness, there are many tributes to artistic culture to look out for.

One aspect to keep an eye out for is the tapestry of playful illusions and heartfelt homages by Bobby Rogueone, which blend beautifully with the background of the bustling city. Each large-scale mural has a story behind it for passersby to uncover, implying a deeper meaning illustrated through visually appealing colours and relatable subjects.

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#1  The Viceroy Bar & Club

The Scottish-born street artist told DeMilked that he’s been fascinated by painting for over three decades, “I’ve been spraypainting for nearly 30 years. During the first 15 of those years, I was doing mostly graffiti art. Letter character work. Then the following 15 years, I started to move on to larger character work. Being commissioned. Leading to mural art.”

#2 Mural by Bobby Rogueone in Glasgow, Scotland, created as a tribute to the late Jeremy Bulloch, who portrayed the iconic Star Wars character Boba Fett.

#3 Tribute mural by Bobby Rogue-One in Glasgow commemorates Hannah. Surrounded by heartfelt messages from her friends

Bobby Rogueone is a master of urban storytelling with his talent for photorealism displayed in his paintings. His murals consist of popular pop-culture references, a tribute to Boba Fetta and a call to climate action, amongst others. Speaking on the motivation behind these creations, Rogueone admitted, “My inspiration is a mixed bag. Sometimes, it’s as simple as just a cool cultural thing I might like, from film, music or fashion. Sometimes, I’m commissioned to a piece of art, and I’m given a rough brief, but that can end up being influenced by modern culture too.”

#4 ‘Choose Earth’ by Bobby Rogue-One at Cresswell Lane, Glasgow. Commissioned for COP26 by Fifth Wall VC, the artwork depicts an astronaut stranded on Mars, gazing longingly at Earth

Explaining how his designs are brought into existence, Bobby Rogueone shared, “My creative process is often to think of an idea. Then either take photographs of things to form that idea together, or sometimes find suitable images online, then bring them up in Photoshop and play about editing them. Once I have my design made, I print two copies out. One is to draw defining outlines on it, then draw a grid on it (its for marking outlines on the wall). Once my grid and outlines are marked up, the other second copy is my good clear copy of the design (to use for painting the main colours and detail of the design on the wall).”

#5 Mural of William Wallace by Bobby Rogueone in Lanark, UK for Artpistol.

From Star Wars to climate change awareness messages, Bobby Rogueone’s artworks are a sight to behold as he transforms the walls of Glasgow into impressive masterpieces.


Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



art, artist, Bobby Rogueone, Glasgow, murals, painting