40 Black Friday Sale Pics That May Convince You It’s Not Worth It
People are aware that sales are usually marketing gimmicks to encourage more consumption. However, despite this knowledge, we are still tempted to wait for ‘Black Friday’ to make our purchases in the hopes of getting an extra discount.
However, more and more people are realising that this is just a trick however, and sharing posts with proof of this stunt via pics and videos which are currently going viral. Scroll below to check out pretty damning evidence of these instances that clearly indicate exactly how far stores will go to give you the impression of a bargain when in reality you’re getting nothing of the sort.
#1 A Black Friday “Bargain”
Image source: Zoykah
Francois: A lot of Black Friday deals are like that. Still people fall for it. Or they are selling an older model or deal is less good than a previous deal.
#2 Black Friday At Walmart – The line decided to cross the street, blocking traffic. It extended down the parking lane rather than turning down the sidewalk like normal human beings.
Image source: Alldamage
Bols: I thought you cannot be normal to shop at Walmart (:
#3 My Partner Ordered Our First Ever “Big Purchase” On The Black Friday Sale. Apparently, The Delivery Guy Dropped It Down The Stairs And Ran
Image source: BabyinAjar
Phoebe Bean: I hope you got that incident on camera.
#4 Black Friday At A Walmart In Alabama. So Many People Waiting To Just Get In
Image source: tjburns85
Errrm..wot?: So.. no one is going to address the horse in the room?
#5 Deals Like This – Costco sales are unbeatable right now. They’re next to the tires, in case you were wondering.
Image source: joonbug2010
#6 Black Friday Scam
Image source: _MeganLouisee_
#7 The Majority Of Stores At “Toronto Premium Outlet” Have Put Stickers Over Cheaper Prices Or Have Changed Tags For The Black Friday Weekend
Image source: TheTrueHolyOne
#8 Target’s Black Friday Sale
Image source: banana119
#9 My Local Macy’s Store After Black Friday Sale
Image source: Dankaay
Charlie the Cat: Where do you even start to clean that up? I think I would just quit my job.
#10 What A Great Black Friday Deal
Image source: Fugim
UndertaleLover (She/Her): At least put the new price over the old one…they’re not even trying.
#11 This Ad
Image source: almostparallel76
Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het: Ah,good old capitalism. Never letting important social issues get in the way of making a few quid.
#12 FedEx “Efficiency”. I Live In Oregon And Ordered This Package On Black Friday
Image source: mtheory11
Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa): None of those places are in Oregon. WTF?!?
#13 The Laptop I Bought Online On Black Friday
Image source: ZedOnNutella
#14 Target Has These Up All Over Their Electronics Section. Guess Which Games Are Specifically Excluded From The Offer
Image source: ilebeck
Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het: I’m not a gamer, but I’m guessing it’s the ones people actually want that are excluded?
#15 The New TV I Bought For Black Friday From Walmart
Image source: nwballer503
#16 This Sums Up Black Friday
Image source: imconfusedman
#17 My Friend Saw A Baby Being Born At A Walmart On Black Friday
Image source: crass_anon
Phoebe Bean: That gives “New Arrivals” a whole new meaning.
#18 This Epic Black Friday Deal
Image source: that1w3irdk1d
Missy: Scoooore!! 🤑
#19 Here In Brasil There’s No Black Friday But Only Scam
Image source: Mr_Ramiro
Phoebe Bean: Scam.Scam.Scam.
#20 This Chair I Was Going To Buy Was £169.99 A Few Hours Before Amazon’s Black Friday “Sale” Started
Image source: XcoldmineX
#21 My Friend Ordered Two Fitbits During The Amazon Black Friday Sale, But Got Paper Plates Instead
Image source: Parish87
#22 These Dudes Are Trying To Put Two 65″ TVs On The Top Of Their Honda Civic. Just Unreal
Image source: Coachmun
#23 They Told Me They Are Waiting For Black Friday. What Do They Need That Bad? I’m Sure They Could Get It Online
Image source: Disguising
#24 My Coworker Went A Little Crazy On HDMI Cables This Black Friday
Image source: ItsSnowingOutside
Tucker Cahooter: More money than sense
#25 When You’re At The Hospital And It Dawns On You That Today Is Black Friday
Image source: emtcj
Phoebe Bean: Priorities.
#26 I Finally Bought Myself A Security Camera On Black Friday From Target After Dealing With A Psycho. However, I Got Rice Instead
Image source: Shadowflare000
Phoebe Bean: Target needs security cameras…
#27 What A Steal
Image source: fourNtwentyz
Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het: Now,my maths isn’t brilliant, buuut…
#28 Black Friday, The One Day Saving 30 Bucks Is More Important Than Your Baby’s Well Being
Image source: uvasif28
#29 When You Go Shopping On Black Friday But Forget Your Child’s Stroller
Image source: Kawaii_
Jason: My son would probably ask me to be carried around like this
#30 My Friend Ordered Two Elgato Game Capture Cards At $180 On Black Friday, And Amazon Sent Him Two Empty Boxes
Image source: ishan0102
The Scout: Most common cause for this is actually Amazon’s return policy – or the human tendency to use it for scams. People order the game, demand a refund, send back the empty case as a product, looking unopeened, and some underpaid workers restock them without opening. When a later customer orders, they are sent out again.
#31 This Occurred On Black Friday At A Local Shopping Mall In Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Image source: inspectorgadget03
Amy lee: David Attenborough: “here we are, during peak mating season of vehicle vehicularis, the paler juvenile attempts to mount his mate but slips, which might result in the frenzy commonly referred to as ‘the pile up'”.
#32 Apparently Someone Got A Little Too Excited And Lost Their Underwear In The Bathroom On Black Friday
Image source: BabyHuey
#33 People Who Do This
Image source: IramFlorCamacho
The Scout: In America, this gets you a “Have a nice day, sir”. Everywhere else it’s “You are banned for life. Please leave immediately.” Some retail workers I know would even add “…after you have cleaned up this mess”.
#34 I Captured The Essense Of Black Friday In One Picture
Image source: rusty_L_shackleford
Ali H M Salehuddin: Just curious. They do not offer free deliveries over there in the US? Here, anything that does not fit inside a car usually comes with free delivery so long the distance is less than 50km radius from the store.
#35 Black Friday Fail. People Are Fighting Over Products
Image source: RealBasedMAGA
DadManBlues: Black Fightday
#36 Black Friday Sales Are Fire This Year
Image source: JayBowdy
#37 Such A Great Deal. Amazon vs. Manufacturer’s Retail Price
Image source: zubrowka1
I’ve been waiting to buy this on Amazon, assuming there would be some sort of Black Friday discount. But no, the price stayed at $150, but they added a crossed-out price, which is even higher than the actual manufacturer’s suggested retail price.
#38 Be On The Lookout For The Best Black Friday Deals
Image source: Davinter30
#39 Black Friday Parking. This Guy Parks On The Plant Bed In Between The Handicap Parking
Image source: hansol93
Multa Nocte: Sadly enough, I have to give him credit for not taking the handicapped spaces.
#40 This Black Friday Sale Tactic
Image source: applesaucey05
Got wisdom to pour?
Very first photo is why I kinda stopped shopping during black fridays in the normal stores :D At least at Amazon(if it’s a good optimized listing like ones by https://webycorp.com/ ) then you can at least track price changes.