This $159,900 House Looks Ordinary On The Outside But Gets Pretty Crazy As You Go Inside
If you or your parents have ever been on the market for a new home, you know how ridiculous some real estate listings can be. But Twitter user frazierapproves may have hit the mother lode. The man stumbled upon a house for sale in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and it’s probably one of the craziest houses you’ll ever see.
Surprisingly, the $159.9 K home looks pretty ordinary on the outside – but it gets more and more crazy the deeper you go. Frazierapproves shared photos of the listing to Twitter where they quickly went viral – people just couldn’t believe a place like this actually exists. Check out the photos from this wild house listing in the gallery below!
Twitter user frazierapproves recently shared photos of a crazy house listing he stumbled upon
Image credits: frazierapproves
The house looks pretty ordinary on the outside but gets more and more crazy the deeper you go
Image credits: frazierapproves
Here’s how the house looks on the inside
Image credits: frazierapproves
It even comes with its own spaceship!
Image credits: frazierapproves
But the spaceship isn’t the craziest part – there’s even an indoor beach
Image credits: frazierapproves
In an interview with Bored Panda, the Pittsburgh man said he came across the listing via his local subreddit. “The front exterior photo is completely unremarkable. It’s very typical of the 1960s Suburban Pittsburgh housing vernacular… particularly in the eastern suburbs,” explained the man. “That’s the kind of home they built for middle-class families in the last days of steel. The first surprise came with the photos of the backyard. Not only is the yard larger than one would suspect, but swimming pools are exceedingly rare in this region, due to the hilly topography and small window of summer-like temperatures.”
The man says that things start to get weird starting with the very first interior photos. “The first thing you see is the vaulted ceiling in spiral staircase in what, by all external appearances was a single floor ranch house,” said frazierapproves The living room and library appear to have some light medieval theming with a large outer space mural, which is the first indication that we are dealing with something truly special here.” He even goes on to call the place a “miniature amusement park”.
Here’s everything you’ll find inside this crazy home
The Twitter user pondered that the house could be owned by a fan of fiction and says that they’re the type of person who realize that a home should be a reflection of one’s personality. “I’ve been in my house for years, and some of the rooms still bear the last owner’s paint on the walls. It’s safe. It’s ‘tasteful.’ This person clearly made the house theirs, and that’s something that all of us who are fortunate enough to own their own homes, should aspire to,” said frazierapproves.
The home’s interior is full of all sorts of weird bits
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There’s even a gas mask wearing alien
Image credits: zillow
At first glance, the kitchen looks pretty usual…
Image credits: Zillow
…that is until you notice the hatch
Image credits: zillow
The spiral staircase leads up to the second floor where you can find even more crazy things
Image credits: zillow
Like this 70s-style bedroom
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People found the house pretty fascinating
Image credits: jeffreguilon
Image credits: MuseofIre
Image credits: GarbageApe
Image credits: thomas_overton
Image credits: LaComtesseJamie
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