25 Times People Were Surprised By The Culturally Different Surroundings In Other Countries

Published 1 month ago

Traveling to a new country—or even just interacting with different cultures—can be an eye-opening experience.

Culture shock can happen in unexpected ways—sometimes it’s a language barrier, sometimes it’s a new social norm, and sometimes it’s just realizing that not everyone drinks tea the same way you do. When someone on Mumsnet asked, “What’s the biggest culture shock you’ve experienced?”, the answers poured in from people who had traveled, moved abroad, or simply encountered different ways of life. Here are some of the most surprising responses.

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Image source: Sacredhandbag, Helena Jankovičová Kováčová

For me it was definitely the bike culture in Amsterdam – and I loved it.

But also, the over enthusiasm of shop workers in America, the silence in the streets in Japan, and the way Australians are so outdoorsy but can’t handle the rain.


Image source: LolaLouise, Kaique Rocha

In Florida. I could see a supermarket across the road from the hotel, but there was no way to actually walk to said supermarket, no where to cross the road, no pavements, i had a buggy aged child, it just wasnt possible to safely get there unless we drove across a street. Insane.


Image source: xRobin, J R

Being grabbed by an Egyptian who tried selling me for 6 camels.
My ex thought it was funny and said “all yours mate” with a thumbs up.
The Egyptian thought it was a done deal.
I’m blonde and blue-eyed and was 23 at the time.
Another Egyptian at a coffee shop licked his lips at me in the airport when I asked for a latte.


Image source: ItGhoul, The Pug Father

The constant presence of Christian evangelism in the Bible Belt states of the USA.


Image source: 12FreeRangeEggs, Lukas Rychvalsky

I was pulled over by the cops in a Texan city for walking.

Everyone drives everywhere in Texas, so someone reported me to the cops for walking, not Jaywalking I might add, from one huge mall to another huge shop. They thought I had a mental illness. When I told them I was British and used to walking everywhere the cops eventually let me go.


Image source: PeopleLikeColdplay, Biinho Ribeiro

Realising that it was totally fine for me to go to the shop in a bikini and flip flops in Brazil. Everyone else was wandering around in various degrees of clothing, including wearing pretty much nothing at all. It was completely normal and no one had the slightest interest in anyone else’s wobbly bits.

It was a shock, but a really nice one. SO relaxing.


Image source: Catza, Dayne Topkin

In Japan. Left my phone on my desk at uni, sleepless night, rushed there the next morning to find it sitting exactly where I left it. Left my purse in the student canteen and someone returned it to my desk. My Japanese flatmate rode her bicycle in a pouring rain to meet me on campus and give me an umbrella because she was worried about me getting home (I did not know she was doing it, we bumped into each other on the way). Three year old kids on their little bikes unsupervised on the street and being able to cross the road safely and independently.
Best year of my life. Unfortunately, I became quite scatty with my possessions for a while after returning to the UK. I just got used to the fact that valuables will remain exactly where you left them or will magically make their way back to you.


Image source: Mere1, أخٌ‌في‌الله

Probably, in Egypt, seeing women sitting by swimming pools at very expensive hotels , completely covered in black clothing, with total face coverings and gloves. Their husbands openly letched at our 14 year old daughters in the pool.


Image source: VonHally, Pixabay

The sheer number of cars in America. Mind blowing, and the lack of public transport outside of the big city areas. Seeing people drive 100 yards to drop the kids off at the school bus stop. There’s no such thing as walking to the shop or the park, as exercise is otherwise planned and timed.


Image source: Verv, Ahmed

I lived in Dubai for a while and used cabs a lot. Without fail i’d be asked if i was going somewhere or “working”, just because I was blonde so automatically assumed to be a p*****tute and grabbed/groped accordingly.
Total s**thole of a place beyond the glitter.


Image source: Yougetmoreofwhatyoufocuson, Getty Images

The first time I landed in London on my own, (14) and made my way out of the airport and onto the underground, no one stared at me and I wasn’t groped or touched once. It was amazing.
I remember looking out the window of the train and goggling at how green and lush the countryside was, how fat the animals were in the fields, at the abundance of fruit and berries in the hedges and nobody taking any notice. I fell in love then and there and have loved it ever since.


Image source: username299, Toa Heftiba

Marrakesh. I’ve travelled a lot and never experienced anything like it. I was followed and harassed incessantly. I had to punch some bloke as he wouldn’t let go off my arm.


Image source: turkeyboots, Josh Hild

The rule following in Munich. An empty road on a Sunday morning, but people were still waiting for the pedestrian lights to change.


Image source: Sidebeforeself, TonyNojmanSK

Oh and being told “ You’re so big and fat” in Hong Kong! By someone trying to sell me clothes!


Image source: Miq, Nam Phong Bùi

So much Jesus in small town America! You go to a diner and there’s a little store in the back just like any tat shop here but with extra Jesus on everything. Where in England it’s like, a little dog? In the US it’s Jesus. Sparkly Jesus on a cushion, on a calendar, on a fridge magnet, tea towel (they don’t call them tea towels though).

They’re not even bothered about Mary it’s just 100% Jesus all the time.


Image source: Crikeyalmighty, Bich Tran

When we first moved to Copenhagen back in 2020 ( we are back in uk now) – and for virtually all winter the Xmas lights were left out along with braziers and furry throws and outdoor seating – and everywhere inside was toasty warm – to the point of sometimes being too warm!

It seemed incredibly cheery compared to most of UK in winter


Image source: Maighnuad, Dovydas Pranka

Newcastle – it was snowing and all the gals only had a slip dress on and no coats at all


Image source: Mabelmable, cottonbro studio

Ireland, the swearing, in a nice country pub or a restaurant and other couples. They get the F word into every sentence. There is no escape!


Image source: AnnaL94, Polina Zimmerman

Shanghai, China. People spitting EVERYWHERE. People would just hock and spit massive phlegm balls out, even inside shops and hotels. It was GRIM.


Image source: turkeyboots, MART PRODUCTION

The poverty in America. I was at a petrol station and a man was going through the bins for cans to recycle for a few cents. People were giving him cans from their very large fancy cars like it was a great act of charity.


Image source: Newsenmum, Dimitrije Djekanovic

Being grabbed and stared at in turkey, even when not wearing particularly revealing clothes.


Image source: SparklyNewMe, Adrien Olichon

I moved from a busy city in Ukraine to a small UK village 20 years ago.
The day after the night of arrival, I went for walk to find the high street and not seen a single person on the street until I got to the high street. I thought the world has ended and I didn’t get the memo.


Image source: Zimunya, Getty Images

Not necessarily the biggest one, but the most surprising one for me was the drinking culture in the UK. Not just how alcohol forms such a huge and destructive part of so many people’s lives, but the casual acceptance of the prevalence of alcohol and the frequent excuses for drunk people – “Well, he was drunk, you know…” I always want to say, “Well, he chose to get drunk, so it’s still his responsibility!”


In China – being stared at openly at length with obvious curiosity as I was not Chinese. Those we met who could speak a smattering of English called us “Big Nose”. Not meant as an insult I don’t think, just their way of noticing our facial features were not in any way like those of the Chinese people.

Image source: VonHally


Image source: BunnyLake, Kaboompics.com

TV viewing in the US. It seemed so haphazard to me. Ad breaks mid-sentence of mainstream tv shows. The multiple religious channels. The whole set up lacked coherence to me.

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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big culture shock experiences, biggest culture shock, culture shock, culture shock experiences, shocking cultural differences