21+ Things That Will Surprise You With Their Actual Size
We often see things on the internet whose scale we never even think about. And it’s only when we see them compared to something common (like the old “banana for scale” method of measuring) that things really get put into perspective.
After all, you pass by traffic lights and traffic signs every day but have you ever seen one up close? How about a wombat (spoiler alert: if you thought they’re no bigger than a housecat, you are wrong)? Bored Panda has compiled a list of things that are bigger than you might have thought and we’re sure you’ll be surprised. Check them out in the gallery below!
#1 A Full Grown Wombat
Image source: wildlifepark
#2 Giant Leatherback Sea Turtle
Image source: iinature
#3 Giant African Land Snail
Image source: sverdrupian
#4 This Is How Many Earths Would Fit Inside The Sun
Image source: Mike Whitmore
#5 This Is How Big A Billion Is
Image source: Paul_Franz
#6 Size Of A Blue Whale’s Heart
Image source: woahdude
#7 Size Comparison: Titanic Vs. Modern Cruise Ship
Image source: oldsaltblog
#8 Eagle Talon Vs. Human Hand
Image source: BiAndHappy
#9 Quetzalcoatlus Northropi Model Next To A 1.8m Man. The Largest Known Flying Animal Ever Exist
Image source: TortoiseJockey
#10 Fully Inflated Horse Lungs
Image source: GallowBoob
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