20 Thoughtful Last-Minute Gifts That You Might Need For Christmas
If you are reading this article, there is a huge chance that you still haven’t figured out what to gift your loved one/s. Deciding on a gift can be stressful, and finding a thoughtful as well as a practical gift is even more difficult.
That’s why this guy on Reddit asked “What last-minute gift for Christmas is always a winner?” and the question with around 356K upvotes got many interesting answers. We have collected some of those comments to help your gift-hunting process easier. Scroll below to find out some last-minute gift ideas. And if you want to add your own ideas, put them down in the comments below.
More info: Reddit
#1 Socks
Image source: Klutzy_Newt
“When someone buys me socks. I fu**ing love socks.”
#2 Snacks
Image source: CarminesCarbine
“I feel like snacks for stocking stuffers are always a win with me. If my wife is reading this please give me bbq pringles please for my stocking.”
#3 Thrifted Books
Image source: paramourns
“One of the best gifts I’ve ever received was a big box of thrifted books. I am a big reader of trashy romance novels and I go through them pretty fast. They paid like $5 for this box of books and it gave me like 3 months of reading material. I was super happy!”
#4 Homemade Cookies
Image source: ididitforcheese
“Homemade cookies. One year I was particularly broke and decided to make everyone Xmas biscuits. Felt a bit stingy as I didn’t really spend anything on it (had all the flour, eggs, spices etc already at home and only had to buy a single chocolate bar to make choco chips) but people LOVED it and now ask me for them each year. I usually personalise the flavours or ice the person’s name/something they like on them. For one friend (who loves warm cookies) I gifted a log of cookie dough and cooking instructions, that went down pretty well.”
#5 A Shopping Spree
Image source: deleted
“Depends on person. My wife never complains about jewelry. Also one time I couldn’t think of what to get her. I let her have a shopping spree at a make up store she likes. She only wanted 3 things. It costed 85$ and they were on sale so tread carefully on that land mine idea.”
#6 Scented Candles
Image source: Link0606
“For me, Scented Candles. Can never have enough, and even if you give me the same smell twice, now I have an excuse to burn through them.”
#7 A Gift Card And A Home-Baked Treat
Image source: doublestitch
“A gift card to a store they like + a home-baked treat (banana bread or chocolate chip cookies).”
#8 Maple Syrup
Image source: Back2Bach
“A jug of real Vermont maple syrup.”
#9 Home-Baked Treats
Image source: MsHTownSmoker61
“This has been a rough year for me. Funds are tight so I am making 100 dozen tamales to give to my family and friends this year. And for my Christmas grandchildren’s birthdays I am making them their favorite cake. Hummingbird. I know every one will be happy as I am always being asked to make these items for them throughout the year.”
#10 A Blanket
Image source: beregond23
“Super soft blanket.”
#11 A USB With A Playlist
Image source: TheBrotherhoods
“Last year i put hundreds of the best rock music on a USB for my dad to listen to in the car. It was the night before Christmas. He uses it everyday still.”
#12 A Christmas Card
Image source: aurarasburst
“A card with $5 in it and a super sweet message from my grandpa about how proud of me he is.
Happened to me when I was 12. My grandpa had just passed away and he had already made cards for everyone. I still have the card and the $5.”
#13 A USB Flash Drive
Image source: BelowDeck
“Last year I was at Microcenter buying someone a drone, and they have bins of 32GB flash drives at the checkout counter for $3. I bought 15 and put them in everyone’s stockings. People loved it.”
#14 A Notebook
Image source: EatsAtomsRegularly
“If you’ve got a fairly geeky group of friends, fancy leather notebooks from Barnes and Noble will do the trick easily. If not, the amazon gift card always works.”
#15 A Brain Teaser Puzzle
Image source: TatsumakiRonyk
“I might be a bit biased, but those mind teaser puzzles where you try to get the loop out of the contraption.”
#16 Candy
Image source: Lelouch1138
“I’d say candy as a former child.”
#17 A Bottle Of Champagne
Image source: Oldpenguinhunter
“If they’re drinkers, a nice bottle of Champagne. New Year’s is right around the corner, and that way they’ll have a nice bottle of bubbly to enjoy their night with.”
#18 Custom Magnets
Image source: -in_the_wind_
“One year I went to my grandmas house and snapped a few pictures of the old albums. Went home, made some collages out of the pictures, made them into magnets. (I did this at home with what I have, but a mail order place can do it too) I didn’t know if people would like them but several people cried when I gave them out. They all compared pictures and still have them up.”
#19 A Massage Voucher
Image source: option43
“Massage voucher. Most adults don’t really need physical things. The ones who do either buy it themselves (if they can afford it, ofc) or they would ask for it, which would make the gift not so much a last minute one.”
#20 A Food Basket
Image source: llcucf80
“Food basket with sausage, crackers, and cheese. I love getting them, it makes for great snacks or even a good meal.”
Got wisdom to pour?