25 People Who Lost Their Closest Friend Share What Led To The Breakup

Published 4 months ago

Losing a best friend can feel just as painful as a breakup, if not more. On Reddit, someone posed the question, “Why did you and your best friend have a falling out?” and the responses were both relatable and heartbreaking. From misunderstandings and betrayal to growing apart over time, here are some of the most striking reasons Redditors shared about why their closest friendships came to an end.

If nothing else, they remind us that friendships, like any other relationship, require effort, respect, and sometimes difficult conversations to stay strong.

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Image source: EnigmaCA, cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

I was doing all the work. Initiating conversations, making the plans, driving, paying (they make almost no money, and I was making good money), keeping the friendship going…

I stopped instigating plans. They never contacted me. I knew right then that this was truly a one-sided friendship.


Image source: kanofcorn, Pavel Danilyuk / pexels (not the actual photo)

He passed away. I’m pretty pissed about that. He did have the final say.


Image source: bonkersaurs, Alena Darmel / pexels (not the actual photo)

She made out that her dad was missing (he wasn’t) and said to me infront of our friends, “no offence, at least you know where your dad is.”

Sounds normal, but my dad passed away a month before this. She was seriously messed up and I’m glad I’m no longer friends with that psycho.


Image source: ConstantHuman920, Savannah Dematteo / pexels (not the actual photo)

Her boyfriend told her he didn’t trust me so she cut me off. I just laughed and moved on, three weeks later she caught him cheating. Our friendship never recovered.


Image source: C-137MrMeeSeeks, RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)

He transitioned to a she, which I had no problem with. But then she made that her entire personality, constantly playing the victim, no matter the situation.
Got shorted at Chipotle? They must hate trans people.
Got cut off in traffic? They must hate trans people.

And on and on and on and on…. It was exhausting. But the straw that broke the camels back, was when we were having a discussion about this whole thing. I told her that I was on her side and always had her back regardless. And she said “That’s not enough.”

And I was out. 20 years of friendship, out the window in 3 words.


Image source: badabinkbadaboon, Pavel Danilyuk / pexels (not the actual photo)

He took me to a party at the house of his girlfriend’s friends. I was a POS and stole from the host, I was caught weeks later. Paid back what I stole to avoid charges being pressed and the friendship was rightfully over.

That was 20 years ago and it still bothers me often. I’m sorry Zach!


Image source: Coldfire2050, Alejandro Jimenez / pexels (not the actual photo)

He decided to lie about having money to fly out to be my best man and instead went on vacation. I had no best man for my wedding. 25 years, gone.


Image source: fullcupofbitter, Diana / pexels (not the actual photo)

Wasn’t my best friend, but was a close one. One day he confessed to me that he had a foot fetish and I was just polite about it like “OK man, that’s not for me but it’s cool you like it!”

And then he told me that he always liked my feet a lot. (I’m a girl btw)

And then EVERY SINGLE TIME we interacted after that he was like a drooling, badly trained dog. Always panting after me, begging me to send him foot pictures and other weirder s**t.

I tried to be firm, I tried to reason, I tried telling him that I miss our friendship. But he even continued after I was in a relationship, and then married, and then EVEN when I was pregnant. And I just decided to mourn the person he was when we were friends because he’s dead to me now. Just no respect, and I can’t stand the way he shrinks me down to this fetish, like all the deep and meaningful conversations we had and the friendship we shared was just fake because he was trying to get my feet in his mouth.

The fetish zone is an incredibly uncomfortable place to be in if you thought you were in a friendship.


Image source: Kirbzi95, Darina Belonogova / pexels (not the actual photo)

It was more of a ‘we stopped talking to each other for good’ than a proper falling out, but she was the sort of person who would be close friends with you one moment, but the minute she got into a relationship, that became her entire world and she would stop talking to you for weeks on end. The only times I used to hear from her was when she decided she needed a break from her boyfriend and figured I’d always be around to hangout with her.

My final straw was going on a shopping trip with her and she was close to straight up leaving me at a shop with no transport in place because she was in a rush to get back to her boyfriend. She had driven us out to this place and was prepared to leave me there which would have cost me a lot of money to get back home.


Image source: Tastycaramel0, Pixabay / pexels (not the actual photo)

He gave me a gift and then asked me to give it back so he can sell it.


Invited him to an NFL game, ticket price was $100.00 or so, I didn’t ask for reimbursement or did he offer it, just wanted him to have a good time. Fast forward two weeks later, I call him up on a Friday evening seeing what he’s up to, want to do something. He’s excited I called because him and other friends, not my friends, had an extra ticket to a cover band, ask if I wanted to go. I met up near the venue, one of his friends became ill and so I ended up driving him home, over 20 miles round trip. Got back to the venue,went to the show, good time. Two days later he was over to watch football, as he was leaving asked if I had the $8.00 for the ticket, I reluctantly gave it to him, he could tell I was upset. He called me about 20 minutes later asking why I was upset, I told him first I didn’t ask for reimbursement to the NFL game and most importantly he wanted $8.00 for a ticket that they would have not used, had to eat , if I didn’t call. Also I reminded him of driving his ill friend home without any offer of reimbursement. His response, “oh.”.

Image source: TheAmishPhysicist


“Stay in this raid group, or spend time with your wife, your decision,”.

Image source: USNAVY71


Image source: viabasic, SHVETS production / pexels (not the actual photo)

She was constantly tracking my location and began treating me like she was my toxic boyfriend. wouldn’t let me get a partner, make new friends, it was rough for a long time. also a bit verbally abusive.


Image source: CaptainQuoth, Tony Schnagl / pexels (not the actual photo)

I “left town and didn’t even tell anyone.” I messaged them all for months and even had a going away party that no one showed up to. Looking back they were not very good friends.


My best friend over 20 years tried to frame his wife for felony assault and I knew he was lying because I was there on those days. He wanted to get out of paying alimony, dividing assets, and sharing custody. I told him not to do this, and end his marriage with a proper divorce over but he wouldn’t listen.

I testified against him because I couldn’t let this happen to an innocent person.

I feel sad it came to this, and I feel I betrayed him. Had he taken the high road I’d have been there for him 100%.

Image source: turumti


Image source: No_Step_851, MART PRODUCTION / pexels (not the actual photo)

She’s 30 & still acts 16. All she cares about is drama & dudes who are trash & I’m done hearing about it.


Image source: phoenix14830, Helena Lopes / pexels (not the actual photo)

My best friend RSVPed for a table of six for my wedding, but none of them showed up. I never got a text, call, gift, or any kind of excuse. Based on social media pictures, I found out later on that they had a picnic and just didn’t feel like doing a wedding. That was painful because even a lie apology would have at least suggested some level of apathy.


Image source: Equivalent_Delays_97, cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

He kept sleeping with my wife, even after I asked him to refrain from doing that.


Image source: VikingRodeo9, Edwin Ariel Valladares / pexels (not the actual photo)

He had a kid. I literally never heard from him again after he texted me that his daughter had been born. Every few months or so I’d reach out and ask how everyone was doing. I quit after about a year.

We moved to different cities after graduating college. He’d always been a super busy, distracted guy with a lot going on so I understood at the beginning. I’m not a needy guy or a needy friend. Having a kid is especially hard work and should be his number one priority…but to never hear from the guy again, ever? My best friend? That sucked. That sucked bad.


Idk man. He was my best friend, good guy. We did everything together for about 15 years. We were in bands, trained jujitsu, movies, everything.

One day about 8 years ago, just stopped responding to texts or calls. I send a text once or twice a year to let him know I miss him and I want to know what happened. Haven’t heard from him in 8 years. He’s married now with a kid and taking over his father’s business. I wish him nothing but success, health and happiness.

I just want to know what happened but here we are.

Image source: troutburger30


Image source: anon, Ksenia Chernaya / pexels (not the actual photo)

He chased me around with a hammer and threatened to [unalive] me after asking him to turn his instrument down because it was louder than my drum kit and despite wearing musicians earplugs/monitors I was going deaf.


Image source: 7_Rowle, RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)

Refused to take a side when it counted. It was especially hurtful considering the situation I was in was caused by the consequences of me sticking my neck out for her.


Image source: TheRev15, Ron Lach / pexels (not the actual photo)

He beat his wife and went to jail.


Image source: WearyEnthusiasm6643, Alena Darmel / pexels (not the actual photo)

Her ten year old son died of sepsis.

a few years later, I survived sepsis, because I knew the signs.

but because I survived, our friendship failed. twenty years.


Image source: bnrdancer, cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

She got too drunk and randomly started being really nasty toward me. Said some very very hurtful things that a “best friend” would never say unless they thought those things to be true the whole time we were friends. She crossed a line and I can’t find it in me to forgive her.

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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best friend loss, betrayal, broken friendship, losing a best friend, loss, lost a best friend