30 Winning Family Photos From The “This Is Reportage: Family” Contest 2020
Every parent wishes they could capture every moment they spend with their children. And even though kids are way too fast for that to be possible, it doesn’t stop some photographers from trying.
For the second year in a row, This is Reportage held a “This is Reportage: Family” contest where photographers from all over the world could submit their best family photos. This year the organizers received over 4,400 entries from both amateurs, and professionals, and have selected a handful of winners – check out some of the best family photos of 2020 in the gallery below!
More info: thisisreportagefamily.com | Instagram | Facebook
#1 Menino Conhece Menina (Portugal)
Image source: meninoconhecemenina
#2 Els Korsten (Netherlands)
Image source: elskorstenfotografie
#3 Emily Renier (UK)
Image source: emilysmomentsphotography
#4 Catherine Hudson (France)
Image source: catherinehudsonphotography
#5 Bex Maini (UK)
Image source: bexphoto
#6 Joshua D’hondt (Belgium)
Image source: joshuadhondt
#7 Sanne De Block (Belgium)
Image source: sannedeblock
#8 Pedro Vilela (Portugal)
Image source: pedrovilela
#9 Susan White (United States)
Image source: susanwhitephotography
#10 Adam Riley (UK)
Image source: documentaryportraits
#11 Julia Rose-Greim (Germany)
Image source: rosegreimfotografie
#12 Rachel Ryan (UK)
Image source: rachelryanphotography
#13 Anna Rowland (UK)
Image source: lunaweddings
#14 Andrzej Witek (Spain)
Image source: witekphotography
#15 Marine Poron (France)
Image source: ernestineetsafamille
#16 Joao Lourenco (Portugal)
Image source: lourenco-photography
#17 Lavinia Nitu (Italy)
Image source: lavinianitu
#18 Jess Lycoops (Denmark)
Image source: lycoops
#19 Joshua D’hondt (Belgium)
Image source: joshuadhondt
#20 Marieke Zentjens (Netherlands)
Image source: mariekezentjens
#21 Logan Westom (United States)
Image source: loganwestom
#22 Jena Love (United States)
Image source: jenalovephotography
#23 Pedro Vilela (Portugal)
Image source: pedrovilela
#24 Rowena Meadows (Australia)
Image source: rowenameadows
#25 Marisa Martins (Portugal)
Image source: marisamartins
#26 Paula Gerein (Canada)
Image source: paulagerein
#27 Linsey Aandewiel (Netherlands)
Image source: lifethroughmylens
#28 Lisa Hu Chen (United States)
Image source: lisahuchen
#29 Raluca Chase (UK)
Image source: raluchase
#30 Louise Van Den Broek (Netherlands)
Image source: momentsinlife
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