Behind The Stage Look Through The Eyes Of A Russian Ballerina
Ballerina Darian Volkova has decided to show us that there’s much more behind impressive ballet acts than meets the viewer’s eye.
Darian lives and works in the heart of the Russian Ballet world – St. Petersburg. Besides dancing she also documents her collegues and their unrelenting everyday dedication that we usually don’t get to see.
Volkova is the founder of the project “Soul in Feet“: “Giving people an opportunity to see ballet through ballerina’s eyes – that’s what I do. As a viewer, you can see just one side of ballet, the world of beauty and lightness but ballet is more than world – it’s the universe,” says the dancer.
The photographer and dancer is in a unique position to reveal this special connection between the dancers: “My last destination was France. It was unforgettable! I always enjoy it, I mean to work with dancers from another country. They have different ballet school but we are still soulmates.“
Take a look at the intimate behind the scenes ballet photography, it just might change the way you look at the dance.
More info: darianvolkova.com | facebook | instagram (h/t: boredpanda)
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