15 Examples Of How Street Art Can Transform The Place
Some urban areas are more problematic than the others. Places that used to be new and attractive eventually lost people’s interest and was left to decay and serve only as reminders of the glory days that passed. At least that was the case until street art took over and rejuvenated the old ideas with the new.
Bored Panda has found 15 examples of the most incredible street art-induced urban transformations from around the world, showing us an awesome way to bring back those forgotten city areas back to the public eye.
#1 Street Art In Athens, Greece
Image source: Zilas
#2 Juliette Et Les Esprits, Montpellier , France
Image source: Patrick Commecy
#3 3D Mural In Poznan, Poland
Image source: Waldemar Wylegalski,Google Maps
#4 The Whole Town Gets Repainted In Vibrant Graffiti, Palmitas, Mexico
Image source: Germen Crew
#5 Renaissance, Le Puy en Velay, France
Image source: Patrick Commecy
#6 Giant Starling Mural In Berlin
Image source: Nika Kramer,Google Maps
#7 Au Fil De Loire, Brives Charensac, France
Image source: Patrick Commecy
#8 Photorealistic Mural, Glasgow, Scotland
Image source: Smug
#9 Full Moon Hostel, Bristol, UK
Image source: Paul Green,pubsgalore
#10 Wise Grandpa, Kaunas, Lithuania
Image source: Gyva Grafika
#11 Topart, Budapest, Hungary
Image source: Neopaint
#12 The Kiss Mural, Chelsea, New York, USA
Image source: Elvert Barnes,Mary Lane
#13 Honeycomb Of Life, Germany
Image source: Marina Zumi
#14 Abandoned “Lietuva” Movie Theater, Vilnius, Lithuania
Image source: Ernest Zacharevic,pamirsta.lt
#15 Trash And Found Object Racoon Mural, Lisbon, Portugal
Image source: Bordalo,Google Maps
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