This Bee Remover Shared What He Found Inside A Client’s Wall And His Post Quickly Went Viral
The Bartlett Bee Whisperer is a bee capture and relocation service in West Tennessee, East Arkansas, and North Mississippi. Recently, one client complained about a bee infestation in one of his walls, and what the Bee Whisperer found inside the wall will leave you shocked!
What initially seemed like a small gap between some bricks, turned out to be something bigger. Brick by brick, the Bee Whisperer removed a part of the wall to reveal one of the largest single pieces of comb he had ever seen. “As much as I dreaded removing the bricks, the final view of the hive was AWESOME!” he said in the Facebook post. So far, over 67k people liked the post – we’re sure you’ll like it too.
Check out the stunning discovery in the gallery below!
More info: thebartlettbeewhisperer.com | Facebook | h/t
A honey bee rescue organization called The Bartlett Bee Whisperer has recently shared its latest hive relocation mission
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