30 Times People Shared Their Aesthetically Pleasing Bedroom Decor Ideas
Your bedroom is more than just a place to sleep; it’s a sanctuary that reflects your personality and style. Whether it’s a striking cool wall design or a cozy window seat, it’s all a canvas for self-expression and creativity.
Social media has become the ultimate gallery for individuals to unveil their most imaginative bedroom designs, each one more captivating than the last. From ingenious designs to personalized touches, here are some of the most amazing bedrooms that will leave you in awe.
#1 Mushroom-Themed Bedroom
Image source: lulumoonowlbooks
Pandasizing World Peace : “Smells like AI to me.”
𝕊𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟 : “I would love to play Animal Crossing in that room. It matches the theme of my island!”
#2 Bedroom Wall Ideas Inspired By Your Hobbies
Image source: YellowFlame36
Posters of your favorite movies, LEGO pieces you made, collector figurines — embrace your hobbies and surround yourself with things you are passionate about.
#3 This Impressive Bedroom Design
Image source: dunesandduchess, josemanuel.alorda
Auntriarch : “That’s the kind of room I would love to stay in as a guest”
#4 Jungle Room
Image source: jellinadetmar
Kookamunga : “Finally, a photo that implies that someone actually lives there!”
#5 Amazing Dark Bedroom
Image source: avalana.design
Barbara Turner : “Welcome to the jungle”
#6 Awaken Your Children’s Imagination And Increase Their Creativity
Image source: circu_magical_furniture
𝕊𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟 : “Oh my goodness.. give me this one too!”
#7 This Is Perfection
Image source: jellinadetmar
Kathy Dragonfly : “My plants are not allowed on the bed, but sometime i cuddle with my favourite tillandsia on the sofa”
#8 Themed Library Bedroom
Image source: lulumoonowlbooks
Multa Nocte : “Wow! I wouldn’t ever want to leave!”
Mighty Toastress : “I really love it. But i wouldn’t want to clean all the dust”
#9 This Truly Magical Bedroom
Image source: circu_magical_furniture
Kathy Dragonfly : “What’s with all the velvet coverd popsicle sticks everywhere??”
#10 A Haven Of Peace Enveloped In Warmth With This Charming Wooden Headboard. Rest Guaranteed
Image source: parementbois
M O’Connell : “Straighten the blanket. The bed looks like it’s wearing an ill-fitting bathing suit.”
#11 Our New Project – Modern Boy Bedroom
Image source: ea.innovations
𝕊𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟 : “That’s doesn’t look like a boy room.”
Kari Ziblut : “I don’t know of any young boy who wants to live in a bachelor’s penthouse.”
#12 A Stargazer’s Dream Home
Image source: prodbym4s3
Tracy Wallick : “Uh… this looks less like a starry sky and more like a crime scene under blacklight”
Brigitte : “This is kinda cold, not very cozy.”
#13 What A Beautiful Bedroom! Can’t Take My Eyes Of It
Image source: tthese_beautiful_thingss
𝕊𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟 : “That lamp (on the nightstand thingy) is so cool!”
#14 I’m Always Dreaming Of This Bedroom Design
Image source: margaret.wright
Patricia Smith : “Ahhh, I can hear the ocean whispering night sounds already!”
#15 Stunning Floral Wallpaper
Image source: carasavenwalldesign
Pandasizing World Peace : “Wow, where do you get wallpaper like that?”
#16 The Bedroom Area In Our Studio House. The Project Used A Large Number Of Natural Materials With Their Natural Textures
Image source: molotkova_design
tracy black : “love it except for the bed”
#17 Today I Put Some New Plants In My Bedroom
Image source: industrieelchique
𝕊𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟 : “I. Need. Those. Plants.”
#18 Here’s A Picture Of Our Guest Bedroom Featuring Poppy Cat, Lying, Enjoying The Sunshine
Image source: our_casa_flamingo
Roan The Demon Kitty : “bit much for me but I do love the kitty. :)”
#19 Hey Alexa, Add Literally Everything From This Room To My Cart
Image source: dormify
Esist Nosrep : “Imagine wearing your shoes on your white sheets. Just eww”
𝕊𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟 : “Why is she wearing shoes on white sheets? I can’t even wear shoes around my house. That’s just gross, unsanitary.”
#20 Contemporary Modern Girls’ Bedroom
Image source: circu_magical_furniture, ea.innovations
Patricia Smith : “Cute but it surely could use some color.”
#21 I’m Getting Home-Envy
Image source: oldflame1, oldflame1
Kookamunga : “Remove some of the superfluous wall trinkets and it would look nice.”
#22 Such A Rustic Charm
Image source: huizedop
Ima Manimal : “When you want to make your bedroom, look like a parking garage”
#23 A Neutral Yet Still Childish Bedroom
Image source: juli_pisareva
Kaisa : “Again no color”
#24 Bedroom For A Girl
Image source: marideco.ru
Paulsible deniability : “Why not for a boy as well?”
#25 Pastel Pink Child’s Bedroom
Image source: juli_pisareva
Tracy Wallick : “I hate the lack of color”
Kaisa : “Pretty but not for a child.”
#26 Open Shelving
Image source: overarch
Throughout the years, you have collected a lot of items that hold emotional value for you, from souvenirs to books and anything in between. Instead of letting them collect dust in drawers, put them on open shelves to surround yourself with favorite memories.
#27 Accent Wall
Image source: awaamen
When you think of bedroom wall design ideas, probably the first thought that comes to mind is an accent wall. Paint it or cover it with patterned removable wallpaper from floor to ceiling to instantly draw your attention.
#28 A Neutral Bedroom For Kids Provides A Calming And Versatile Space That Evolves With Their Changing Tastes
Image source: circu_magical_furniture
Soft hues like gentle grays, muted greens, or warm beiges serve as a backdrop, creating a serene atmosphere conducive to relaxation and creativity. The simplicity of neutral tones allows for easy incorporation of various accent colors through bedding, decor, and playful accessories.
#29 Well, This Is The Panel We Got In The Bedroom’s TV Zone
Image source: molotkova_design
OhnoI’vebeencensored : “I know it’s a matter of taste but this screams nouveau riche”
#30 I Love Natural Stone Very Much, So I Can Put It In Any Room, Even In The Bedroom, And Whoever Thinks Stone Is Uncomfortable And Cold, Is Very Wrong
Image source: molotkova_design, molotkova_design
In this project, we used Patagonia quartzite, one of my favorites.
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