20 Times This Artist Created Enormous Sand Drawings Just To Be Washed Off By The Ocean

Published 2 years ago

JBen, a French artist, creates incredibly beautiful giant drawings on sand that leave people in awe. He creates these mesmerizing artworks on the coast of Royan. When you look at his drawings from a drone lifted high up in the air and use humans for scale, the humans might seem like tiny ants around his massive sand art. The drawings that are around 100-350 feet wide are created without planning. The 41-year-old artist just likes to go with the flow, and later lets his art flow away as the ocean tides come and wash them.

Pursuing “Beach art” as his full-time job since 2016, JBen has worked for people, companies, events, and different organizations. The artist strives to make this world a better place through his art by raising awareness, paying tribute, and conveying strong messages.

Check out some of his wonderful works in the gallery below.

More info: Website | Facebook Instagram

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Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen


Image source: JBen

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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art, artist, beach art, interview, Jben, sand art, sand drawings