22 Breathtaking Wildlife Pictures Of Beautiful Foxes
The fox is well-known for its overwhelming beauty, intelligence, and cunning. Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) are known best by most of us as they are the most widely spread – their habitats include forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts. However, there are quite a few of different fox species (all of which belong to the Canidae family) that are set apart by their appearance and habitat.
Foxes are solitary creatures, but they adapt well to human environments and can be often encountered in farms and suburban or even more-remote urban areas near larger communities. Perhaps due to their complicated relationship with humans and their extraordinary character, foxes have a prominent place in many nations’ folklore and cultures. Here are 22 pictures that will show you these creatures’ glamorous beauty and natural charm.
via: BoredPanda
Image credits: Roeselien Raimond
Image credits: Kai Fagerström
Image credits: dailymail.co.uk
Image credits: Wenda Atkin
Image credits: Igor Shpilenok
Image credits: Igor Shpilenok
Image credits: Roeselien Raimond
Image credits: Edwin Kats
Image credits: Einar Gudmann
Image credits: Roeselien Raimon
Image credits: Jim Cumming
Image credits: Remo Savisaar
Image credits: Francisco Mingorance
Image credits: Igor Shpilenok
Image credits: William Doran
Image credits: Ivan Kislov
Image credits: Dan Dinu
Image credits: Robert Adamec
Image credits: Micheal Eastman
Image credits: Edwin Kats
Got wisdom to pour?
Nice photos… quite foxy! Makes me want to cuddle with a little fox. I’m glad to know that they can be so friendly.
Very lovely, or perhaps foxy! Made me want to cuddle with a little fox. I didn’t realize foxes would be so friendly.
A fox is a wild predator and as such, an admirable and very successful one. They are not “cuddly” and are not
“friendly” and should be left alone in the wild to be wild. That being said, they also kill chickens and as a chicken farmer, I was not fond of foxes in the countryside where I used I used to live. If they get a chicken they will return nightly until all your birds are dead. They are difficult to trap being very smart and, being small and quick, hard to shoot unless you are very skilled with a rifle.
you are a horrible selfish person ! maybe you should have put your chickens in a coop that could not be reached by predators, he was just thinking he was going to KFC, you took his land ,now you must share and make the necessary adaptions in order to peacefully to coexist , not shoot like the cold blooded redneck that you are,
I personally never (fortunately) had a problem with foxes getting to my chickens, although people I knew did. Just lucky I guess. The chickens did have a fortress-like coop but were out during the day which is natural. We had a guard dog that kept them mostly safe. Don’t automatically assume that someone commenting on predators is a redneck or “horrible and selfish”. We coexisted on our several acres with all manner of wildlife as well as with our farm animals.
No, its of a wolf! Ok I apologize then swimmy44 , I took you as one of those that complain foxes eat their chickens therefore they should be killed. unfortunately I deal with a lot of inhumane people full of cruelty and insensitivity towards animals and am short fused about it by now. Those people are mostly rednecks and ranchers or fur trappers. Or just plain ignorants!
I’ve seen many proofs that foxes are inquisitive and friendly and can even be domesticated; although I too prefer to see them in the wild. as nature intended. Not shot by rednecks and fur trapperss.
The photo above is not of a fox in case anyone is wondering.
A fox is a wild predator and as such, an admirable and very successful one. They are not “cuddly” and are not
“friendly” and should be left alone in the wild to be wild. That being said, they also kill chickens and as a chicken farmer, I was not fond of foxes in the countryside where I used I used to live. If they get a chicken they will return nightly until all your birds are dead. They are difficult to trap being very smart and, being small and quick, hard to shoot unless you are very skilled with a rifle.
so sweet!!!
Beautiful animals, beautiful pictures! Thanks for making my day better.
great pics
ooo so cute…nice pictures
Nice animals
Ha! SOme of these are so funny! :D