35 Of The Tackiest Suburban McMansions Spotted In The Wild
During the 1980s in the US, a fad for mass-produced, cheaply constructed buildings saw a rise of “McMansions” located in suburban neighbourhoods. Their high-end location, spaciousness and availability saw a demand from buyers all over the country well until the 2007 housing crisis.
Nowadays however these monstrosities are merely entertainment fodder on the ‘’McMansions Hell‘ page for Netizens to gawk at and speculate about the people who considered these giant suburban eyesores a pseudo-luxury. Scroll below to check out some of the worst constructions we’ve ever seen as shared on this veritable virtual-museumesque page online.
More info: mcmansionhell.com | Instagram
#1 This May Be The Worst I’ve Ever Seen
Image source: Clockmerk
oktopus: “When you order a castle from wish.com”
#2 ‘slightly’ Overdesigned House, Wildwood, Nj, Can This Be Mcmansion?
Image source: tanmaypendse63
#3 The Air Control Tower Is A Major Selling Point
Image source: throwaway62379
#4 Meanwhile In Germany
Image source: Kaeseschorle
James016: When the Window Tax is abolished. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_tax
#5 I Think This Qualifies!
Image source: Barneythepup
Rob: Nice view from the house, especially as you won’t be able to see the house whilst looking at the lake;
#6 Abandoned $200 Million Mcmansion Hellscape In Turkey
Image source: Cobi_Fox
Libstak: This is ludicrous and BTW doesn’t Turkey have a huge middle east refugee problem? How about fixing some basic power and water issues and putting some refugees here for processing? I mean, what a freaking waste.
#7 When Pizza Hut Is Life
Image source: SkyeAuroline
FabulousMari: They better watch out… no one out pizza’s the hut!
#8 Is This House Pregante?
Image source: oh_woah
Jihana: When you eat too many beans
#9 My First Attempt At This
Image source: caddy77040
#10 The Most Literal Example Of A Mcmansion I’ve Ever Seen – 1,122 Sq Ft
Image source: syzygialchaos
JoMeBee: Whaaaaat?!? This looks like a revenge house…
#11 Joel Osteen’s Horrendous Mess Of A Dupe-Cash Funded Mchellhole
Image source: TheRealAntiher0
hitex: May God have mercy on his soul – no true man of God lives in such a fashion
#12 Someone Is Building This. On Purpose
Image source: allfood_for_thought
#13 Dormers? Yeah I Have Those
Image source: onkey11
oktopus: Redneck McMansion.
#14 To Me, My X-Men
Image source: zeromig
howdylee: The plan is even an X… I want to see the floorplan!
#15 Has 10 Bedrooms And Costs $1 Mil, Somehow Still Manages To Look Like A Mobile Home
Image source: CrudeAsAButton
James016: You can take the person out of the trailer park….
#16 “I Told The Developers To Go F**k Themselves”
Image source: Rd28T
#17 Loganville Georgia. Spec Built, 19,000 Sf. Initially Listed By Builder For $2.6m, Foreclosed & Sold For $374,900
Image source: chewedupbylife
#18 10/10 Attempt To Make The Ugliest House Imaginable
Image source: BlindMuffin
hitex: WTF is with the tiny hexagon windows? Ran out of materials?
#19 Love How They Put Windows On Everything But The Bump Out
Image source: strawberry_sluxt
howdylee: Where else you gonna put the gigantic flat screen tv?
#20 I Pass By This House Daily. It’s So Gaudy It Makes Me Gag
Image source: rowstring
Javelina Poppers: Did they add a garage when each kid started driving?
#21 Texas Never Disappoints
Image source: PissInTheCumBucket
#22 Garage Mahal
Image source: LardoftheFries
Kobe (she): I don’t mind the design of the garage. It is the size ( way too big ) that bothers me. It overshadows the house. But hey – I hate the house anyway… too little colour, too much glass no personality, no plants, no curtains, … so…
#23 “You Ever See One Of Those Ramada Inns? Yeah, Make It Look Like That”
Image source: bdd1001
#24 I Shake My Head Every Single Time I Pass This Bad Boy
Image source: Cheetodustinthewind
1: When you spend big money to update your facade but then forget you live on a corner lot.
#25 Suburban Mcmansions!!!!!!!!!!! In Texas!!!!!!! No Privacy!!!!!
Image source: reddit.com
#26 The Saddest Castle In Florida
Image source: tortillapatch
GoldfishCrackers: When I see no landscaping like this I’m always perplexed. Some may argue that landscaping costs money, but you know, so does watering, mowing, and maintaining a ton of grass… so why not pick the visually appealing option?
#27 Check Out This Monstrosity
Image source: fishchipslopez
#28 When You Defeat All The Other Mcmansions, Then You Have To Fight The End Boss
Image source: AbstractBettaFish
Nice Beast Ludo: I wonder how many randos come banging on the door at 2 am thinking its a fancy mcd’s
#29 Does Anyone Else Absolutely Loathe The Dugger Estate?
Image source: BlueOpal69
TrdFrgsn: The hypocrisy of that family, their tv show and their church is all represented in that skid mark of a home.
#30 Went Mcmansion Hunting On Zillow Because I Couldn’t Fall Asleep And Found This In Texas
Image source: TheLeftOutOne
Javelina Poppers: Early Irish Byzantine?
#31 Houses Like This Always Bugged Me And I Never Could Figure Out Why Until I Saw This
Image source: brunnette-09
JoMeBee: It like the house equivalent of the mullet: wealth in the front, poverty in the back
#32 Mansion Needs A Chiropractor
Image source: fork_fork_fork
SPARKIZE: Reminds me of crooked bottom teeth 😬
#33 Spotted On My Instagram Page By A Roofing Company Showing Off Their Work
Image source: theonlyiainever
Nannychachi (edited): If they can roof that nasty monstrosity, they can roof anything. They deserve their brag.
#34 What Possible Reason? I Just Don’t Understand And I Have So Many Questions…
Image source: chewedupbylife
Annik Perrot: Does it fold back in?
#35 Indian Ridge Failed Mcmansion Development Near Branson Missouri. Always Drove By This Pitiful Sight During Summers
Image source: Seagaulll
OhnoI’vebeencensored: Wow, never seen a house with leprosy before.
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