
Florida's Summer Surge in THC-Infused Beverages This summer, Florida is experiencing a rise in the popularity of THC-infused beverages that comply with legal standards. These refreshing drinks, available in unique flavors, offer the convenience of online ordering and home delivery, making them a trendy option for cannabis consumption. Whether relaxing by the pool or adding a twist to a summer barbecue, THC beverages provide an enjoyable way to experience cannabis. Legal Landscape for THC Beverages Navigating the laws surrounding THC cannabis and its derivatives can be complex, varying significantly from state to state. Florida is no exception. The legalization of THC drinks in the state is subject to specific regulations and restrictions designed to ensure safety and compliance. Federal Law on Hemp The 2018 Farm Bill federally legalized hemp, removing it from the DEA’s controlled substances list and placing it under USDA regulation. Under this law, hemp extracts are permitted if THC levels do not exceed 0.3% dry weight. Additionally, these products must undergo mandatory independent testing and meet specific labeling requirements.

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