Angélique Vanduick

Focus Amaury Dubois Art painter without concession who did a 4 year course in graphic design at St Luc Institute, Tournai, Belgium. From a bedroom/studio covered up with graffiti to colourful fluid and mature paintings, this is the story of a man, Amaury Dubois, from Lille. A man who paints life in motion. His work is exhibited in different art galleries across Europe, but some of his pieces are also part of many European and international art collections (in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal, Brazil, the USA …) His next exhibition will take place in Singapour in April 2016. Interested and always questioning the world we live in, everything becomes inspiring. He developed at a very young age an interest in architecture, botanic astronomy, history, literature and music. A thirst for knowledge, which became the foundation of his work today. We can surely recognize some inspiration from the surrealism mixed to the cubism but Amaury Dubois talks about “Courbimes” (curvism) . Because nothing is straight in real life. Because he has decided to break straight lines. Because revolts cannot support straightness. Because his art has been fulfilled with a passion for everything that is fluid, liquid, aqueous, pictorial synthesis of his own way to see the world, a place full of references... Permanently Gallery - Belgium - Knokke le Zout : Momentum Art Gallery - Singapore : Mulan Gallery Selection of important events - Aurora Project : 9 cities enlightened and photographed, gather by the artist in only one immense fresco - Creation of a unique design for one particular Smart Mercedes Benz car - A painting for the McDonald's ad campaign Tv and web by Amaury Dubois - Creation of a immense fresco for the VIP Hall in the «Grand Stade Lille» - Choose by «ELLE» magazine as «artist cœur de cœur Northern France» - Show in «Paris Match» magazine Belgium Edition witt Charles Fazzino, Richard Orlinski...

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