People Are Getting Ashes Of Their Beloved Pets Made Into Glass Paws That Will Remind Them Forever
The loss of a beloved family pet can be a truly heartbreaking experience and for some, the mere thought of losing their pet is enough to bring them to tears. However, to help people cope with the loss of their pets, one company called Davenport Memorial Glass is offering to turn their ashes into beautiful glass mementos that will help owners remember all of the happy moments they shared together.
The company, which specializes in creating these mementos, infuses a small amount of the pet’s ashes into the glass that they use to create beautiful little paws. That way you can take a little part of your pet with you no matter where you go.
“Our goal is to physically capture a moment, to create a keepsake that brings back a memory,” write the creators on their website. “Nothing will compare to the time spent with your loved one, but we hope to aid in treasuring them and remembering the precious time you had together.”
The mementos that the company offers are a unique alternative to burying your pets or keeping their ashes in an urn.
The company offers other designs, such as pawprint pendants and all they need is a small spoonful of ashes that you can send through post.
“Ash heart and pendant. Made with the ashes of a beautiful young girl born to rock”
You can also order a memento without the ashes. In an interview with Bored Panda, Cameron Davenport, the creator of the company, said he combines the ancient art of glass blowing with modern methods to create the products and has first started back in 2003. “After many years of struggling, I finally took a class from an artist by the name of Phil Siegel,” said Cameron. “That’s when everything changed. I started focusing more on the art, and less on the function. Working harder to make it clean and uniform rather than just sellable.”
“About 10 years ago I lost a good friend. I was given a small spoonful of his ashes that I had just set on my bookshelf for a number of years,” shared the artist. “One day it came to me, and I decided to make him into a marble. There were quite a few friends that thought this was a neat idea and asked me to make them some memorial glass as well. It sort of just snowballed after that.”
Cameron is pretty secretive when it comes to the method of infusing ashes to the glass and says he spent years perfecting it. “The ashes put a lot of stress into the glass while working with it, making it very difficult to work with,” explained the artist. Cameron says many artists asked him to teach them his methods and he might start a class some day.
Each of Cameron’s creations is unique and the artist has to tread lightly when dealing with his customers. He always tries to make a personal connection with them and takes his time to learn the background behind each piece. “One of the hardest parts about my job is hearing stories bout S.I.D.S. It absolutely eats me up inside,” said the artist. “I get a ton of sad emails and often need to take breaks from reading.”
However, not everything is so dark when it comes to creating the glassworks: “One of my favorite parts about my job are the smiles and tears I receive from my clients,” says Cameron.
“They love the work I do for them and the meaning behind it. As each day goes on, I become more and more grateful for the people in my life and the time I get to spend with them,” says Cameron. “Doing this type of work really highlights the love in my life. I look forward to many more years of spreading joy and comfort through memorial glass.”
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