This Guy Told An Artist About His Cancer Treatment, And His Response Will Make You Cry

Published 7 years ago

An illustrator named Guy Kopsombut, going under the nickname ‘4amshower’, has recently posted a comic and was contacted by a fan named Jeroen also known as FrozenFoodGuy on imgur. What started as a compliment to the artist, eventually unfolded into a heartwarming story.

Jeroen commented under one of Guy’s illustrations, saying his comic was  ‘a nice post to wake up to’ as he was undergoing chemotherapy for lung cancer. Guy quickly responded, saying he would send Jeroen a print of the comic. “I was a bit dazzled when I received his message, especially when in our correspondence he offered to send me 2! Honestly, it made me a bit emotional. I often love stories where people reach out to each other, and now I was part of such a story myself!” Jeroen told Bored Panda. He also shared some great news – turns out his health is getting better and a recent X-ray showed no signs of a tumor. “Even though I still have a long road to go, things are starting to look up again!” shared Jeroen.

Guy shared his optimistic outlook on life too: “I want to do something to remind people that there is still good in the world, to help them smile on a daily basis. My goal every day is to help one person, any one person in the world smile each day with my comics”. He also says that if he is able to do that, then the comics are worth drawing. Guy mentioned that being raised as Buddhist and meditating regularly help him maintain his positive outlook.

See this heartwarming story for yourself in the gallery below!

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This is Guy Kopsombut, an illustrator from Nashville, TN

Image credits: Guy Kopsombut

He recently posted a comic and was contacted by a fan named Jeroen

Image credits: 4amshower

Jeroen commented under one of Guy’s illustrations, saying his comic was  ‘a nice post to wake up to’ as he was undergoing chemotherapy

He has been struggling with a genetic progressive muscle disease (for which he has to wear this metal brace) and stage 3 lung cancer

Image credits: FrozenFoodGuy

What started as a compliment to the artist, eventually unfolded into a heartwarming story

Guy sent Jeroen a print of the comic and also a personal illustration just for him

Image credits: 4amshower

“I often love stories where people reach out to each other, and now I was part of such a story myself!” said Jeroen

Image credits: 4amshower

Jeroen hung the illustrations on the wall across his bed so he can look at them every day during his recovery

Image credits: FrozenFoodGuy

Image credits: FrozenFoodGuy

And people completely fell in love with this story

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

Got wisdom to pour?



4amshowers, artist, cancer patient, gift, illustrations, illustrator