This Disabled Iranian Artist Creates Art Using Her Foot (30 Pics)
Fatemeh Hammami Nasrabadi is a 31-year-old Iranian artist who proved that even a disability can’t stop her from achieving her dreams. Even though 85 percent of the woman’s body is paralyzed, she still found a way to create art – Fatemeh uses her foot to create incredibly detailed portraits and her works will leave you in awe.
Fatemeh is a big football fan and even made the headlines with her amazing portrait of football player Cristiano Ronaldo a few years ago. The artist regularly draws portraits of famous footballers, celebrities, and actors, and has already amassed over 112k followers on her Instagram account. Check out some of Fatemeh’s incredible drawings in the gallery below!
More info: Instagram | fhammami.ir
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
In an interview with Bored Panda, the artist said that she loves drawing faces.”When I want to draw a portrait, I start with a curve and round the human face for the beginning to design,” says Fatemeh. “This is the law of face painting.”
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Fatemeh says the biggest challenge when it come to creating art is her disability as she can only work using one of her legs. However, this didn’t seem to stop her from achieving her dreams. She had become quite the star in Iran and her works have been exhibited in various galleries in Tehran. The artist has also published three books.
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
“I have been interested in painting and drawing since I was a child and I tried very hard to get here!” says Fatemeh. “I am happy and thankful that my efforts were worth it and now I am happy that I did not disappoint.”
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
Image source: fatemehamami
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