40 Classic Art Pieces Turned Into Memes By “Art Memes Central”

Published 10 months ago

Analysing historical art can be a fun and interesting hobby. There is much to be interpreted about days gone by, along with the possibility of spotting hidden meanings secretly left behind by the artists. 

“Art Memes Central” excels at bringing contemporary meaning to some of the oldest art pieces known to man. Even if you’re not an art enthusiast, you’re likely to enjoy the hilarious memes created by this account. Scroll below to check out these edited versions often featuring sarcasm or dark humour, making them unexpectedly highly relatable and funny. 

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Image source: artmemescentral

Dread Pirate Roberts: Ok, I laughed way too hard at this 😂


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral


Adam Belaire: What are you eating…what’s in your mouth…give it here.


Image source: artmemescentral

DemonicPanda: words cannot describe how much i love this picture


Image source: artmemescentral

Amy Harvey: My eyes are fried like KFC chicken…


Image source: artmemescentral

sofacushionfort: “Of course we’re the good guys. See this cute dog?”


Image source: artmemescentral

Andrew Keir: Strictly, an ‘umbrella’ is to give you shade (‘umbra’) from the sun. If you’re using it to shelter from the rain, it’s a ‘parapluie’ (‘against the rain’). … I’ll get my hat, with the surprisingly large brim …


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral

Enclave destroyer: My demon after realizing I’m already in hell on earth.


Image source: artmemescentral

Sam JuanDang AI art generators. Never gets it right.


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral

Andrew Keir: Mr Death seems to have been a bit careless with that scythe – counts his remaining fingers …


Image source: artmemescentral

KillerKiwi: Oh my god that otter is naked


Image source: artmemescentral

Julia H: Definitely out of ideas


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral

KillerKiwi: I’m not like other girls… I’m besties with my demons


Image source: artmemescentral

james stevenson: For some people with ADHD coffee actually has the opposite effect, I’ve seen articles by parents who give their ADHD kids coffee before bed to help calm them down. Weird huh?


Image source: artmemescentral

Enclave destroyer: If you body is a temple does that make you exempt from taxes?


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral

Cris J: …I can’t.


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral

Lauryn: Is no one going to talk about the animal rug?? It looks awfully similar to a cat. 😳


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral

DemonicPanda: Ain’t nothin but a heartache


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral

TheGoodBoi: Damn you Proxima Centauri b!!!


Image source: artmemescentral


Image source: artmemescentral


Andrew Keir: Old, female, no teeth so mumbles a lot, actually knows something about medicine – yup, definitely in league with Satan! Why didn’t she just let them all die like the doctors did, back then?


Image source: artmemescentral

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



art, Art Memes Central, classical art, funny, memes, paintings