100 Studios Of Famous Artists Show Both Creative Chaos And Artistic Order
Unless an artist literally paints with colors of the wind, one needs a studio to work in. And here we present some of the world’s greatest artists, and their work environments. From expansive beginning of the century lofts to tiny modern rooms, these are the places where art is born. And stored! Artist have a great many tools for their work, which need some space, and then there are all the reference books, bits of inspirational material, leftover junk and, of course, works unfinished or some that were never meant to be finished. It’s a home for both the artist and his art.
It’s not surprising that some of these places are more chaotic than others. After all, the picture series covers a great span of time, and many artists of different styles and mannerisms. So if some studios look tidy and almost clinically clean, other work spaces appear more akin to an explosion in a paint factory.
Considering Jackson Pollock, that assessment is not far from the truth.
Got wisdom to pour?
Where are the other 82 studios? The title says 100 studios!
03.23.2015 zhoutengshan
Thank you for showing proof of why I can make such a HUGE mess when I get my bursts of inspiration and just HAVE to make something!
Cool to see these.