Servers Share 15 Annoying Things That People Do At Restaurants
When going out to eat in a restaurant, there are essentially two things you need to know: don’t be an a-hole and leave a nice tip if you enjoyed the service. However, even though this sounds pretty simple, some people still manage to find ways of making servers’ lives a living hell.
A little while ago, someone on Quora asked servers to share some unwritten rules they wished patrons would abide by and received a handful of good answers that anyone who has ever worked as a server will find painfully relatable. From letting your kids run around unattended to snapping their fingers, check out the most annoying things patrons do that annoy servers in the gallery below!
#1 Crying Children And Adults Who Ignore It
Image source: Edith Deween
When children cry and cry and cry and cry in a restaurant, other people find it annoying. Please, take your child outside for a moment to calm him down.
#2 Flirting
Image source: Sara Thorn
Don’t hit on waitresses. Don’t touch waitresses. I’ve cooked in bars where my job included removing such people from the establishment with force.
#3 Coming In Minutes Before Closing
Image source: Sofia Korkala
If Google says that the restaurant closes at 11, the right time to order is not three minutes before closing.
The staff are not people willing to work every single day overtime like they had no lives of their own.
They are people with loved ones and hobbies as well.
#4 Snapping Your Fingers At Server
Image source: Sofia Korkala
Don’t ever snap your fingers at a server, bartender, anyone. Ever.
#5 Touching Their Servers
Image source: Mike DiGirolamo
When people touch their server. I’m not to be touched. I don’t like it, and I’m not your pet. I’m not your buddy, baby, friend, or lover.
#6 Acting Like You Own The Place
Image source: Maxwell Arnold
This restaurant is not your house. You’re a paying customer. We get that, and we respect that. But do not forget that you are a guest. In addition, you are not the only guest. There are other people here too. So when you request that we turn down the music, turn up the lights, or adjust the heat/air conditioning, you should know that we may not be able to make this accommodation, even if you ask nicely. If you go on to demand such accommodations, you’re not only disrespecting us (because you’re essentially treating the restaurant like your house, and us like servants who run it for you), you’re also disrespecting the other guests (because they may not desire the same accommodations that you desire). This is not your house, and this is a space that you’re sharing with other people – and if you’re the only one asking for something to be changed, we’re unlikely to do it if it will affect other guests.
#7 Being Impolite
Image source: Edith Deween
Please, get off your cellphone when I’m taking your order
#8 Ordering Something That’s Not On The Menu
Image source: Maxwell Arnold
Do not order anything that isn’t on the menu. I’ve run into so many situations where customers want to make up their own dish that isn’t on the menu (ordering fish and chips at an Italian restaurant). Perhaps it’s because they don’t know how to read, and therefore can’t understand anything the menu says. That menu is there for a reason. Read it. This is not a private chef service
#9 When People Go And Sit At A Dirty Table
Image source: Natalie Knowles
First of all, it’s gross. Why would you sit yourself down in someone else’s mess?
Second of all, if it’s not clean, we aren’t ready for you at that table yet. Now someone has to awkwardly bus the table and wipe it down while your impatient ass just sits there being all in-the-way.
#10 Not Considering The Hard Work In The Kitchen
Image source: Sofia Korkala
Allergies. If the truth is you don’t like a food, then just say that. Say you don’t like bell pepper. The amount of work that happens in the kitchen is hardly ever seen in the dining room. Respect the staff by not adding to that amount of work if it’s not necessary.
#11 Not Understanding When The Bar Is Full
Image source: Kyle Redman
Understand that when the bar is full, the bar is full. No, I’m not going to go and ‘see if anyone’s done’ at the bar so you can squeeze in for free corn chips at happy hour. I’ve politely told you you’re more than welcome to stand at the bar, but all the seats are taken. And for the love of god, don’t try to take other customers’ seats while they’re in the bathroom.
#12 Disrespectful Behavior
Image source: Maxwell Arnold
Do not address us as “waiter”/“waitress”, or snap your fingers at us.
This is basic human respect. I will openly ignore such requests for my attention, and you’ll be waiting a while for me to come back.
#13 Being Glued To The Phone
Image source: Kyle Redman
Please do not be glued to your phone, especially if you’re in a large party. I work in a tapas restaurant, which means everyone orders small plates to share. We recently had a table of ten do this, ignoring runners and servers that were bringing their food, causing the food to be returned or eaten by different table members, and so the person who ordered the food would finally look up from their phone and start complaining that they never received the food they ordered. Of course, the other table members neglected to tell them they had received it and eaten it. Why? Because THEY were now on their phones. They nearly made a server cry with rude comments about her intelligence and figure (“that skinny bitch probably ate them, she needs to put on weight before her hips cut me”) is just one thing I heard. It’s worth mentioning that these were all morbidly obese people.
#14 Helping Without Being Asked To
Image source: Sheila Blohm
I hated when customers tried to help me. Don’t get me wrong. I appreciated the sentiment, but when a customer took things from my tray or grabbed things from my hand it became dangerous.
#15 Being Overly Picky And Making It More Difficult For The Staff
Image source: Sofia Korkala
The menu is not a canvas for your wildest imagination, unfortunately. I have come across customers who ask what ingredients do we have, and start building their own portion based on them.
I know the struggle of being a hard customer and not being able to take whatever from the menu due to dangerous allergies, but don’t be picky in vain. The staff is usually crowded with special orders anyway.
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