20 Studio Ghibli Tattoos Straight From Miyazaki Films
Studio Ghibli is the anime studio, and Hayao Miyazaki is the medium’s lord and patron. From “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind” to “The Wind Rises,” his movies have conquered the hearts and imaginations of millions. Fantastical yet featuring sympathetic characters and ambiguous, likeable villains, Miyazaki’s movies are also marked by signature animation style.
Small wonder that fans of his movies are getting tattoos of anime characters. From simple outlines of Totorro to sleeve tattoos mashing together characters from many movies, there are no limits to what they’ll come up with. And though Miyazaki is now retired, his movies will continue to inspire tattoos for years.
(h/t: boredpanda)
#1 Studio Ghibli Characters Tattoo
Image source: scott_m_harrison
#2 Miyazaki Sleeve Tattoo
Image source: jeanpierresainttran
#3 My Neighbor Totoro Tattoo
Image source: Hubicz
#4 Spirited Away Tattoo
Image source: goldlagrimas
#5 Watercolored Totoro Tattoo
Image source: ydtattoo
#6 Sootball From Spirited Away Tattoo
Image source: violentfemme.tumblr.com
#7 My Neighbor Totoro Tattoo
Image source: busyseagulltattoo
#8 Calcifer From Howl’s Moving Castle And No-Face From Spirited Away Tattoo
Image source: ydtattoo
#9 Kodama From Princess Mononoke Tattoo
Image source: Kaymidori
#10 Howl’s Moving Castle Tattoo
Image source: Josh Howard Tattoo
#11 Totoro Finger Tattoo
Image source: unknown
#12 Kiki’s Delivery Service Tattoo
Image source: seppukutattoo.tumblr.com
#13 No-Face From Spirited Away Tattoo
Image source: ghiblitattoos
#14 Spirited Away Tattoo
Image source: namidoreen
#15 Surreal Collage Of My Neighbor Totoro And Spirited Away
Image source: Yellow Dog
#16 Sootballs From My Neighbor Totoro And Spirited Away Tattoo
Image source: fedeperlamadonna
#17 Howl And Sophie From Howl’s Moving Catle Tattoo
Image source: laurenwinzer
#18 Friendly Family Of Kodamas From Princess Mononoke Tattoo
Image source: pikkumaeski
#19 Sootballs From My Neighbor Totoro And Spirited Away Tattoo
Image source: ghiblitattoos
#20 Spirit Of The Forest From Princess Mononoke Tattoo
Image source: dmarksthespot
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