35 Times People Photoshopped Animals Onto Random Things And Got Hilarious Results
“Animals in Things” is a hilarious Instagram account and subreddit run by a person who says they love animals so much, they literally see them everywhere. They photoshop animals onto random and the results are absolutely hilarious – and incredibly well-made too.
If you ever thought that corgis kind of looked like loaves of bread or that the fluffy Queen’s Guard hats looked a little bit like black bears, this artist did too. Not only that, each of their works is followed by a funny animal pun. Check out the hilarious animal photoshops in the gallery below!
#1 The Royal Octobrella
Image source: animalsinthings
#2 Miloaf Of Bread
Image source: animalsinthings
#3 Bear On Guard
Image source: animalsinthings
#4 A Red Appowl
Image source: animalsinthings
#5 Duck-Taped
Image source: animalsinthings
#6 Ape Rees-Mogg
Image source: animalsinthings
#7 The Great White Zep
Image source: animalsinthings
#8 Giraffe Bread
Image source: animalsinthings
#9 Rhinocerocks
Image source: animalsinthings
#10 Citrusongbird
Image source: animalsinthings
#11 Seal The Deal With Some Ice Cream
Image source: animalsinthings
#12 That’s Gotta Sting
Image source: animalsinthings
#13 Egg Sheeran
Image source: animalsinthings
#14 Mount Bertie
Image source: animalsinthings
#15 Dusty Old Mabel
Image source: animalsinthings
#16 Sheepish
Image source: animalsinthings
#17 Ursus arcoconutos Horribilis
Image source: animalsinthings
#18 Bowllamarama
Image source: animalsinthings
#19 Fashionable
Image source: animalsinthings
#20 An Animal In An Animal In An Animal
Image source: animalsinthings
#21 French Bulldoggplant
Image source: animalsinthings
#22 The Banana Frog Is A Species Of Frog In The Family Hyperoliidae
Image source: animalsinthings
#23 Puppillow
Image source: animalsinthings
#24 Is Baby Yoda An Animal? Or Is It The Turtle That’s In Baby Yoda? Who Cares!
Image source: animalsinthings
#25 Doggowithsign
Image source: animalsinthings
#26 Lil G Starring As Cat Beard
Image source: animalsinthings
#27 The Frourgette, Or Zucchinog (Depending On Your Location)
Image source: animalsinthings
#28 Cephalectomuppet
Image source: animalsinthings
#29 Fennecake
Image source: animalsinthings
#30 Pyorkie Pie
Image source: animalsinthings
#31 Orangutanning
Image source: animalsinthings
#32 Breakfast Cartoons
Image source: animalsinthings
#33 Luna And Leroy Are Sweet As Candy
Image source: animalsinthings
#34 Illusionary
Image source: animalsinthings
#35 Otis The Chicken Wing
Image source: animalsinthings
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