Recycled Animal X-Rays Turned Into Awesome Lampshade

Published 10 years ago

What does one do with old animal x-rays? Make lampshades out of them, of course! This lamp was made by Spike Vain of XrayVisionDesigns,  Most of the lamps use xray scans for various animals, and this lamp is no different. Well, maybe swankier looking that the other lamps. And certainly unusual as lampshades go! Yours might have flowers, patterns or plain fabric (gasp!), whole this one finds a use for the scans what would otherwise be thrown away.

Spike Vain in a “LosAngeles [sic] based Medical Image Manipulator” who turns MRI, CT and other scans into art. During the day, Spike works as veterinary oncology technician – the time off is spent making this art and “wrangling chihuahuas”. The lamps are mostly sold directly through Instagram, so if you want one, you’ll have to stalk and wait.

Isn’t social media great?

More info: Instagram | Facebook | Etsy (h/t: laughingquid)

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Image credits: Alex Marcial






Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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animal x-ray, animal x-ray lamp, kreeturefeature, recycle art, recycled art, salvaged art, Spike Vain, x-ray lamp, XrayVisionDesigns