20 Shell Sculptures Portraying Adorable Animals And Birds, Created By Anna Chan

Published 1 year ago

Like many during the pandemic, Anna Chan, a jeweler and designer based in New York, sought solace and inspiration in unconventional places. In an interview with DeMilked, she revealed, “At first, I created them at the beach, but after 3 months, I moved the sand and shell to my deck, and when it got colder, I continued in my garage. Eventually, I developed a process to harden the sand so my sculptures are permanent and can be displayed as wall art.”

Anna’s newfound passion led her to craft stunning, symmetrical mosaics and lifelike animal portraits using just wet sand and seashells found along the shore. She says, “My creative process is very much the same as it was from day one; I just use sand, water, and seashells. I sculpt by touch, feeling the curves of the subject, so my tools are just my hands, a pair of tweezers, and a spray bottle. The seashells are gently pushed into the sand to create the mosaic effect, and afterward, it goes through my proprietary hardening process to become wall art.”

Her sculptures are a testament to her artistic dedication and keen eye for detail, revealing the beauty that can emerge from even the most unexpected of circumstances. Check out the most stunning ones in the gallery below.

More Info: Instagram | Anna Chan

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Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan


Image source: Anna Chan

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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animal portraits, animal sculptures, Anna Chan, Seashell sculptures, seashells, shell sculptures