12 Types Of Cats By Lingvistov
I love cats, you love cats, everyone on the internet loves cats – or else. Lingvistov does it again by listing several types of cats. Just like people, cats can be very different (united only by cuteness). One is lazy while another can be… less lazy. One is friendly, the other is less so. Some even fetch balls! See if you can recognize your cat in one of these illustrations.
Lingvistov group was created in 2012 by Asia and Landysh. Fresh out a Russian linguistic university, they offered language classes. Eventually, they discovered their love of both drawing and cats, and the rest is Internet history. You can see their post of cat truths here. If you want to find how life would be if cats could speak, click here. Refresh your memory on the reasons why it’s good to have a cat here.
More info: lingvistov.com | facebook | instagram | twitter (h/t: boredpanda)
Got wisdom to pour?
Great job! haha
I think you are missing the 24/7 crier cat.
I think you missing the cat that ignores you