Animal Balaclavas Turn Skiers Into Cats And Lions
With winter incoming, you want to be cool – metaphorically, of course. Russian tattoo model Teya Salat has just the thing for you – animal ski masks. Now you can look like a bandit who’s extremely hip with the internet, as even a Grumpy cat balaclava is available. Ironically, the raccoon mask recreates the part of their face that looks the least like a bandit.
The name “balaclava” comes from the Crimean war. During the 1854 Battle for Balaclava (fought near Balaklava- notice the difference), the British troops were facing a cold Crimean winter. Lacking proper clothing, they were nevertheless issued hand-knitted face masks. The masks had been previously known as Uhlan or Templar caps. The battle also saw the infamous Charge of the Light Brigade.
More info: More info: teyasalat.com (h/t: boredpanda)
Got wisdom to pour?
It looks really cool. But first of all, it is important that the equipment for such an active sport is comfortable, practical and safe. Therefore, rent it only in trusted places. In Gonjiam, you can find the best 곤지암스키장렌탈샵 here. Skier’s clothing must be chosen correctly – this is the key to comfortable and safe skiing.
Where can I et one of those??