Illustrator Shows How Humans Would Look If We Had Various Animals’ Bone Structures (14 Pics)
Would you believe us if we told you that even though we look nothing like animals, our anatomy is actually quite similar? To highlight these similarities, Japanese artist Satoshi Kawasaki created a series of illustrations comparing human and animal anatomy – and they tend to get quite… bizarre.
Have you ever thought how a human would look with the bone structure of a turtle? How about a flamingo? To be honest, the answer is probably “No”. That, however, did not stop Satoshi from creating the hilariously weird illustrations. Check them out in the gallery below!
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Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
The turtle’s skeleton is quite unique, and the shell is mostly made of a “thorax” such as a rib, with a scapula and pelvis in it. Based on this turtle skeleton, what would happen if you tried it on yourself? I drew a little picture.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
Flamingos often stand on one leg and sleep with one leg standing. The flamingo’s body shape is also extreme, so I drew an illustration of a flamingo skeleton if a human poses while standing on one leg.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
The horse has ‘lost’ all its fingers except for the middle one due to evolution.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
There were many requests for a penguin skeleton applied to a human body.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
Often, the foot of animals is mistaken for an ankle as a knee, so I tried to draw what would happen if I made the human foot the bone base of another animal’s foot.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
There are various environments on Earth such as grasslands, forests, mountains, sea, sky, and underground. The animals have adapted and evolved to their various environments, but the body parts that shows the most change in adaptation are the “front legs” (arms). So I tried to draw what happens if the human arm is reproduced with the skeleton of various animal forelimbs.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
The illustration of “Reproducing the bat wings with human arms” that I made a long time ago was wrong. What was wrong was that the metacarpal bone (the bone on the back of the hand) was part of the finger. I also drew “Illustration of Bird Wings with Human Arms.”
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
Rabbits are always stooped, so it seems to put a lot of burden on your back when you stretch it.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
Half-human half-bird monsters called “harpies” have appeared in Greek mythology, but I tried to draw this harpy with a skeleton base of a bird (no tailbone, human head) and a human body.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
Elephants are so big, but they stand on their tip-toes, and camels stand more like ballerinas. However, they get support from a fleshy cushion pad on the sole.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
If people had chests like pigeons.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
When shellfish (bivalve) are heated, the shells open. The shell is closed by a muscle called a scallop (closed muscle), and when the muscle is loosened, the shell opens. When heated, the protein in the muscles changes and the adhesion between the shell and scallops peels off, so the shell appears to open vigorously.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
I compared the difference between bats and pterosaur wings in human hands.
Image source: Satoshi Kawasaki
There are two ways to transmit sound to the ear. Sound transmitted by air vibration is “air conduction sound.” Sound transmitted by bone vibration is “bone conduction sound” Dolphins in the water listen to sound through bone conduction sound. Beethoven suffered from deafness as a musician, but he overcome it with this bone conduction.
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What about the pets and dinos?
Please can you email me a whale one