Someone Asked Americans To Find Iran On The Map, And Some Of Them Managed To Point At USA
If you’ve been following the news lately, you most likely know about the recent Trump-ordered drone strike that killed Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani, raising tensions between Iran and the USA to an all-time high. Americans expressed their fear of an upcoming WWIII but it turns out many of them aren’t even sure where on Earth Iran actually is.
Recently, a survey was carried out asking American voters to point out Iran on the world map, and the results were pretty shocking. On 23% of them managed to get it right with others pointing to places like Australia, the Indian Ocean, and even the USA itself.
Morning Consult recently asked American voters to point out Iran on the map and shared the results on Twitter
Image credits: jpiacenza
Image credits: morningconsult
Image credits: jpiacenza
Image credits: morningconsult
Image credits: morningconsult
Image credits: morningconsult
Image credits: morningconsult
Image credits: morningconsult
Similar experiments were carried out in the past and yielded similar results. Back in 2014, Americans were asked to point out Ukraine, with 1 in 6 getting it right, and North Korea in 2017, with 36% answering correctly.
The data editor went on to explain the results
Image credits: jpiacenza
Image credits: morningconsult
Image credits: jpiacenza
Image credits: jpiacenza
Image credits: morningconsult
There was no significant difference between age groups and political parties. Another interesting observation was that even those who had a college education didn’t do that much better than those who didn’t have one, failing to reach even 40%.
People couldn’t believe how wrong some of the answers were
Image credits: ezralevin
Image credits: alocalbookshop
Image credits: 4everNeverTrump
Image credits: EdnaK_
Image credits: AdriaAlsina
Image credits: arfarfarfy
Image credits: Chac_Casal
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