This German Baker Turned Pie Baking Into An Art Form (35 Pics)

Published 4 years ago

Karin Pfeiff-Boschek is a German baker and photographer who specializes in baking meticulously designed pies that look almost too beautiful to eat. In a recent interview with Bored Panda, the food artist said she used to enjoy seeing, smelling and eating bread pastries that her grandmother made when she was young. The fact that baking was a tradition in her family encouraged the woman to start baking cakes and pastries for her brother and sister when she was a teenager.

“In my twenties, I spent many summers in Paris and was fascinated by the beautiful baked goods in every pâtisserie on nearly every street corner,” recalled Karin. “I did not become a baker, however, but became interested in fabrics, eventually designing, dyeing, and creating my own works of textile art. Nonetheless, I enjoyed baking, often experimenting with various doughs and batters.”

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Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

Karin said that her American-born husband learned to bake pies from his mother who was a prize-winning pie baker. She thought the pies were delicious and the woman began to wonder how she could decorate them in a similar way cakes are. “This was just at the time that I opened an account on Instagram and I began uploading pictures of my attempts at pie decoration,” said the artist. “To my surprise and delight, the comments were positive, resulting in a rapid rise in the number of followers of my account.”


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

Karin has even published a book titled Elegant Pie and it will help you take your pies to the next level. In the book, the artist shares 25 of her best recipes, as well as teaches the readers decoration techniques and introduces them to the best tools and dough for baking.


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek


Image source: karinpfeiffboschek

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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amazing food art, baking, cake, cake decoration, decorated pies, dessert, dough, food art, Karin Pfeiff Boschek, pastry, pastry art, patterned pies, Pie, pie art, pie crust design, pie decoration, pie design, pies, sweets