Amazing Avant-Garde Hairstyles by Peter Gray
One of the world’s top hairstylist, Peter Grey collaborated with his former assistant Masa Honda to create some of the most fabulous hair sculptures you’ll ever see. Probably not the most practical hairstyles, but, oh, so beautiful! Photographed by Takahiro Ogawa, the Peter Gray & Masa Honda Hair show was a part of the Asia Beauty Expo.
Hair: Peter Gray & Masa Honda | Photography: Takahiro Ogawa | Styling: Yasuhiro Takehisa Art direction: Kazuya Goan | Makeup: Chiho Omae | Manicure: Kotoe
Got wisdom to pour?
I’m not even sure what’s better in this post – the haircuts or the photography … both extremely well done!
love that creepy photography style.. reminds me old horror movies
looks like cousin it has a new haircut :)
I like the second one as well. Except I’d like to see it in a suspenseful/sci-fi/horror type of movie.
I like the second one, it would definitely fit as a movie character in a fairy-tale style movie