40 Quirky Things People Secretly Do When Alone
We think that there are some aspects of our nature that we need to hide from others. Perhaps we fear judgement or perhaps it’s our innate anxiety preventing us from being our true selves. Whatever the reason may be, it seems that many people have secret quirks about themselves that they only admit to when alone or in an anonymous setting. The ME IRL subreddit has its fair share of candid admissions with folks revealing their odd procrastination habits, anxiety-fueled daily struggles and bouts of overthinking. Scroll below to check out what secret things basically everyone does, but pretends not to.
Image source: just_cardo
Nea: Or if I have to exit without buying anything in the store.
Image source: deelalz
RabidChild: This is my life since I moved to hill country after living in a flat, sea level state for 40 years. I’ve gotten pretty good at finding secluded places to huff & puff to reinflate my poor lungs
Image source: PrathaManic
Kristal: I just ordered a costco cake for my birthday. Just for me. I’m going to have cake for weeks!!!
Image source: shootermac32
Image source: kasskassy2
Auntriarch: Not just you. And sometimes a leg too
Image source: ChanBun18
Image source: Deadcrawler3
Image source: whitemike40
Mark: c.) pulling yourself along with your hands while floating
Image source: Aztery
Kristal: And it’s hot outside
Image source: HeWasProbablySmoking
Multa Nocte: I need to incorporate this word into my vocabulary.
Image source: waqasnaseem07
Image source: emily_murnane
Image source: TweetPotato314
Image source: abgates7
Image source: mcsassy3
Image source: marios4twenty
Image source: SpudBoy9001
censorshipsucks: supported! huge waste of time.
Image source: Ibrahim17_1
Nea: Noone can pass this one without feeling their tongue.
Image source: paradnihni
xolitaire: It feels like betrayal
Image source: quietconnoisseur
Smilodon, a Bad Cat: I’d live in the shower, but it’s hard to eat cake in the rain box.
Image source: Character-Stretch697
Image source: aldermancastle
Image source: Jawshable
Image source: nalin420
Image source: Bubble_Babe_0o0o0o
Image source: connorhannigan4
Angi: Another One Bites the Dust
Image source: c0wbitch
Multa Nocte: Nah. I was an “essential worker.”
Image source: ZectroVoid
Angi: I feel seen
Image source: Bubble_Babe_0o0o0o
Image source: Berrylene_
Image source: Handsome_Bread_Roll
Freya the Wanderer: I HATE Recaptcha. Sometimes I have gone through as many as 20 images before it lets me through. If there is a Hell, I hope it has a really nasty place for the jerk who invented it. Gimme rotating a 3D model of an animal.
Image source: kiiingsleyy
Image source: knowyourmeme
Angi: I do that all the time
Image source: Ok-Abbreviations7700
Skara Brae: Imagine your partner refusing to watch anything in a foreign language because they don’t like subtitles.
Image source: gabbylizzul
Image source: AkiraTensei
Image source: dittulps
Pernille.: We have a word for it in danish: lækkersulten, it translates to delicious hungry, but is used for that kind of hunger OP describes.
Image source: iFunny
Jason: Then can’t get back to sleep until 655
Image source: chaod3r
Image source: marios4twenty
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