20 People Redesign The Same Image To Prove AI Doesn’t Have What It Takes To Replace Humans
AI seems to be making quite the waves these days, creating the question in our minds, will it one day replace humans? Well, one Twitter user named @anloremi decided to ask the online community whether they could take on the challenge of redesigning the same image of a T-rex image in a unique way to prove that Artificial Intelligence cannot replace humans. The responses were rather interesting and we’ve collected a few of the best below for your perusal.
More info: Twitter
Image source: liboar
Image source: iamiojen
Image source: showchicken
Image source: TheLairdOfWar
Image source: subtle_bubble
Image source: thehateart
Image source: mahsan_khoshhal
Image source: DSlim71
Image source: liboar
Image source: MichelePetrelli
Image source: youngandsick
Image source: jaxestudios
Image source: BYViktor86
Image source: kreeznotic
Image source: maximxiii
Image source: wanlipengcheng1
Image source: ItsAdamtastic
Image source: TheMacPapi
Image source: Taylor_DSD
Image source: BroslavskiyNick
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