30 Tiny Rooms Filled With Hundreds Of Miniature Objects Created By A Japanese Studio

Published 5 years ago

Mozu Studios is a Japanese miniature studio started by 21-year-old Kiyotaka Mizukoshi back on April of last year. It specializes in creating little rooms filled with hundreds of tiny hand-made objects, and the studio’s attention to detail is guaranteed to leave you amazed.

In an interview with Bored Panda, Kiyotaka said he has been creating miniatures since he was 11 years old, and that everything started with plastic models of Gundam. “After that, I realized that I wanted to make something original and I started to make miniature works,” said the artist. The man says that it makes him happy to see people smiling while looking at his works. Even though it has only been a little over a year since the studio opened, Kiyotaka said they have already collaborated with companies like Starbucks and smartphone makers to create miniatures and stop-motion animations.

See Mozu Studios’ incredible miniature rooms in the gallery below!

More info: mozustudios.com | youtube.com | Instagram | twitter.com

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【こびとシリーズ第3弾】 コンセントを開けるとそこには…!? 僕の部屋には小さな友達が住んでいる。 「こびとの秘密基地」 全て手作りのミニチュア作品です。 制作期間は約4ヶ月。 幼い頃に妄想していた、「僕が小さくなったら壁の中に秘密基地を作りたいな〜」というアイデアをミニチュア作品にしました! #ミニチュア #diy #手作り #ミニチュアハウス #dollhouse #miniature #miniatures #miniaturehouse #handmade #ハンドメイド #dollhouses #ジオラマ #diorama #dioramaclub #art #手作り #フルスクラッチ #dollhouseminiatures #ミニチュア制作 #ドールハウス

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「ミニチュア小型冷蔵庫」完成! 1ヶ月以上かかっちゃった…^^; 開く上に、光ります! 本体はプラ板。電飾はLED。 この小さい中にLEDを仕込むのがとにかく大変だった…!でもむちゃくちゃ楽しかったし、思い通りに行って最高にテンション上がってます! そして中にはなぜかペットボトルが1本だけ。その理由はまた後ほど😏 久しぶりのプライベート作品。この冷蔵庫で全体の4割くらいかな。 目指せ平成最後の作品! #ミニチュア #ミニチュアハウス #dollhouse #miniature #miniatures #miniaturehouse #handmade #ハンドメイド #dollhouses #ジオラマ #diorama #dioramaclub #art #手作り #フルスクラッチ #dollhouse #dollhouseminiatures #mozu_world

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Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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Japan, Kiyotaka Mizukoshi, miniature rooms, miniatures, Mozu Studios