30 Of The Most Accurate Introvert Memes Shared By This Instagram Page
It seems that in almost all circumstances, people can be split into two groups: cat person vs. dog person, one morning alarm vs. 5+, neat vs. clumsy, coke vs. Pepsi kinda person, apple vs. android, extroverts vs. introverts and etc. And often, it’s difficult to understand the other side simply because we don’t belong in it. Or we are somewhere in the middle.
This time we will be delving into the world of introverts and try to understand what it’s like living with a low social battery. Or when you simply cannot bother with unnecessary human interaction and would prefer to come home and pet your hamster instead. Look at some of the best posts from a dedicated Instagram page named “Introvert Nation,” sharing the most accurate memes about being an introvert. Question to fellow ‘wallflowers’ over here, can you relate to any of these posts? Let us know!
Related post: 30 Painfully Accurate Memes That Every Introvert Will Relate To
More info: Instagram
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation, twitter.com
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation, twitter.com
Image source: theintrovertnation, twitter.com
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation, twitter.com
Image source: theintrovertnation, twitter.com
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation, twitter.com
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
Image source: theintrovertnation
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