30 Times People Spotted “Accidental Surrealism” In Real Life
Have you ever seen something that makes you wonder for a while if it’s real or if you are just hallucinating? Turns out, sometimes those strange illusions are true even though they look like a dream.
The Facebook page called “Accidental Surrealism” is dedicated to those photos that show examples of unexpected and reality-defying things. Check out some of their best posts in the gallery below. And if you want to see more such pics, check out our previous posts here and here.
More info: Facebook
Image source: Darrah Dawson Miller
Image source: John Dykstra
Image source: Tina Turnschuh
Image source: Daniel Heriberto Palencia Arreola
Image source: Corey Perrine
Image source: Daniel Ezra Lighthizer
When your Jeep is just as upset as you are about the weather
Image source: Jake Alvarez
Image source: Josh Bobian
Image source: Avantgardens
Image source: Maria Fernanda Drumond
Image source: Andres Felipe Ordoñez
Image source: ToMasz Królik
Snowfall in Hokkaido, Japan
Image source: Paulo Sousa
Image source: Corey Perrine
Image source: Jennifer Randall
Image source: Raissa Palumbo
Image source: Kah C Kah
Image source: Char Nyman
Image source: Alexandra Smith
Image source: Casey Boyce Adcock
Image source: Jéh Remm
Image source: Christopher Marchant Phillips
Image source: MMarcial AAngulo
Image source: Lassy Garret
Image source: Courtney Archuletta
Image source: Hannah Lee
Image source: Sebastián Bevans
Image source: Cary Rodmell
Image source: Branwen AC
Image source: Bruno Molina
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