30 “A Normal Day In Russia” Pics Proving That This Country Is Everything But Usual

Published 3 years ago

With a land mass of over 17 million square kilometers and over 146 million residents, Russia truly is a land of contrasts. Almost every day we hear about something unusual that has happened in this country, and no matter how crazy it may sound for us, for locals it’s just another day in the office. These wild occurrences have even inspired a whole subreddit – it’s called A Normal Day in Russia and it’s absolutely hilarious.

The subreddit has over 1.2 million users who regularly share the most bizarre and wacky things they’ve spotted in Russia. From one man protests to friendly bears – check out some of the funniest images shared in this online group below! And if you want more brutally honest images of Russian life, check out the photos taken by photographer Alexander Petrosyan here!

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#1 This Bear Has A Death Wish

Image source: MissingSpyder

#2 Родина, Сынок

Image source: mrObry

#3 When The Guy Behind You Keeps Hitting The Chair

Image source: yeerk_slayer

#4 Book Title: Combat Knives

Image source: mrObry

#5 Not Exactly What You Want To See Coming Into Land At A Russian Airport

Image source: qevoh

#6 Don’t You Take My Parking Spot

Image source: likeon

#7 Accurate Analysis

Image source: 4chanAD

#8 Not Sure If This Belongs Here, But…

Image source: totalinfonet

#9 Siberian Seasons. Frost & Mosquitoes

Image source: denissnb

#10 Lada Is Best

Image source: bzyt_5

#11 Kirov Reporting

Image source: reddit.com

#12 When You Crash Your Cars And Wait For Traffic Police

Image source: Areskoi

#13 Subversion

Image source: pavelasamsonov

#14 Seems About Right

Image source: Moore078

#15 Opposition Activist Arrested While Reporting Live About Arrests Of Opposition Activists

Image source: aleksandrit

#16 TFW Putin Offers Some Tea

Image source: -MGP-

#17 What You Mean By Scary? Is Friendly New Pet!

Image source: The_Eastern_Stalker

#18 Normal Russian Seal

Image source: __hrga__

#19 During The Rush Hour, Russian Streets Are Especially Prone To Accidents

Image source: NKVDawg

#20 Russian Car Prank

Image source: clovenpoet

#21 Yo Man, You Got The Honey?

Image source: My_Memes_Will_Cure_U

#22 T-Shirts With English Inscriptions Are Popular In Russia

Image source: SlyFox227

#23 Alright Fair Enough

Image source: scumculator

#24 Good Job Sergey

Image source: Pavel2811

#25 Sad Day

Image source: DrozdMensch

#26 Life And Times Of A Lada Owner

Image source: Nihilist911

#27 Recycling Is Subversive Capitalist Plot

Image source: Vispooh

#28 Party Like A Russian

Image source: Hellbatty

#29 A Standard Protest In Russia (Krasnoyarsk 31.01.21)

Image source: DaniilBSD

#30 Generations

Image source: reddit.com

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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A Normal Day In Russia, funny, funny russian pics, life in Russia, Russia