15 Photos Show Why 1970s Men’s Fashion Didn’t Survive
Do you often find yourself nostalgic about the older days, thinking how everything was better back then? Well, you can’t say that EVERYTHING was better while looking at the ridiculous men’s fashion of the 1970s.
The Bored Panda squad has compiled a list of these 1970’s clothing experiments that would turn all the heads if performed today. From the hilarious jumpsuits to the “playful” underwear, these might not make you the most stylish of the bunch, but it will sure make you the funniest. Something to consider in the preparations for the coming Halloween?
Image source: vintag.es
Image source: MissSpeedwell
Image source: Johanna Neurath
Image source: mememarlin
Image source: vintag.es
Image source: imgur
Image source: plaidstallions
Image source: imgur
Image source: fromjanet
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