Limoges porcelain

Published 8 years ago

Juliette CLOVIS

Born in Poitiers in 1978

Lives and works in Bordeaux – France

Juliette Clovis is a multidisciplinary french contemporary artist. For years, Juliette worked on female identity and the representation of women in contemporary society and its history. In her most recent works, her women are completely transformed into hybrid beings, mixes of history, myths and chimerical dreams. The female bodies are invaded by a profusion of wildlife and flora elements, evoking a nature that is both soft and worrying. Fascinated by the wild beauty of Nature discovered during her different trips, the artist draws inspiration from it to create her human jungles and to explore the wild aspect of human body. She questions the balance of power between Human and Nature. Conjugating ambiguity and employing metaphors, Juliette’s work wobbles between a prophetic picture announcing the birth of a new living being, human body with a half-animal half-vegetable face; and the onset of death caused by an hungry nature wanting to take back its rights.

Art is matter and matter makes Art in Juliette Clovis’work.

Since 2015, the Nature thematic has withdrawn from Juliette’s two dimentional artworks to invade her new sculpture creations made in Limoges porcelain. As a logical continuation in the creation of the artist, her subjects now take form under her fingers and fill with material for a new 3-dimentional reality. The artist plunged with passion into this very difficult technique, which she works in an art residency at la Manufacture La Seynie. Founded in 1774, La Seynie is the oldest Limoges porcelain manufacture. All her sculptures are unique, made by the artist’s hand, in the traditional way of Limoges porcelain which is exactly the same technique as Sèvres, Meissen

or Nymphenburg porcelains. And for the sculptures with painting, they are also all made by the artist in the traditional way of china paint. The choice of this noble and classical material allows her to confront her deeply contemporary vision of art across a traditional and ancestral technology. All her porcelains sculptures are mixes

between contemporary expressions and classical forms, dialogue between history and modernity.

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“Cyanolica nana”

"Cyanolica nana"

Limoges porcelain – White glaze – Unique – 2016

13x15x9,5 in

” Erinaceus concolor ”

" Erinaceus concolor "

Limoges porcelain – White glaze Blue Cobalt hand painted – Unique – 2016

13,4×13,8×9,4 in

” Lilium Regale ”

" Lilium Regale "

Limoges porcelain – White glaze – Unique 2015

13,4×13,8×10,6 in

” Epithelantha micromeris ”

" Epithelantha micromeris  "

Limoges porcelain – White biscuit and white glaze – Gold – Unique – 2016

4,7×5,5×8,2 in

” Rosa nigra ”

" Rosa nigra "

Limoges porcelain – White biscuit and white glaze Matt black and bright black hand painted

Unique – 2016 / 13×12,6×7,9 in.

” Heteractis magnifica ”

" Heteractis magnifica "

Limoges porcelain – White biscuit and white glaze Porcelaine de Limoges – Unique – 2016

14x14x10 in

” Cernunnos ”

" Cernunnos "

Limoges porcelain – White biscuit and white glaze – Unique – 2016

14×16,5×10 in

” Adelpha ”

" Adelpha "

Limoges porcelain – White glaze and white biscuit – Unique – 2015

13,4×13,8×10,6 in

” Memento mori ”

" Memento mori "

Limoges porcelain – White glaze and white biscuit – Unique – 2016

13,7x13x8,6 in


Juliette Clovis’ work on female identity, which until now has represented a classic and quasi-photographic approach, is being transformed with an invasion by a multitude of new external elements. New women emerge covered in a profusion of natural elements packed with wildlife and flora. Certain pieces are completely anthropomorphic, challenging and disturbing. Take for instance the chimeras with human faces – creatures that confront us with our own humanity.These bodies and faces seem to fade away in favor of luxurious nature, and the artist explores female identity, its place and its relation with nature. The new portraits that she now proposes are a veritable hybridization of style and eras, a blend of allegory, poetry and surrealism.

Got wisdom to pour?



art, birds, ceramic, clay, contemporary art, flowers, hybrid, Limoges, mutation, nature, porcelain, transformation, wild, women