Badass Hawk Sparks An Action Movie Worthy Photoshop Battle
Hawks are pretty badass on their own, but if you get Photoshop involved they can turn into your next action movie hero. That’s exactly what happened with a picture of this hawk which got into the right/wrong hands.
The picture was snapped by the animal enthusiast Clint Ralph, 53, who was visiting Giant’s Castle in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa, with his son. ‘I loved the attitude and comedy of the shot, I knew it would capture the imagination of the public,‘ Clint told the Metro.
When it appeared online, it took the always watchful army of Photoshop trolls just seconds to lay their hands on it. The results are waiting for your judgement below.
More info: facebook (h/t: boredpanda)
Before the Photoshoppers took over:
#1 I Will Find You, And I Will Kill You
Image source: jarjarsinks
#2 Straight Outta Hawkton
Image source: futuneral
#3 Explosion
Image source: bitterjay
#4 Photoshop Battle
Image source: lasrevinuu
#5 Stephen Hawking
Image source: PoW12
#6 High Noon
Image source: photonshop
#7 I Heard You Like Badass…
Image source: tenebris_spiritus
#8 A Real Millennium Falcon
Image source: CleverSpaceMonkey
#9 Trump Hawk
Image source: Sokar1723
#10 Jerry Was Never Quite Like The Rest Of The Other Birds
Image source: LargeBeef
By now you should know that nobody can outrun Photoshop trolls. Even the heads of the most powerful countries in the world.
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