First Ever Glimpse Into Facebook’s Massive Arctic Server Farm

Published 8 years ago

Have you ever wondered where Facebook lives? There is no one line answer for that but we can start digging 70 miles from the Arctic circle, in Luleå, Sweden, where back in 2013 Facebook opened its massive data farm.

Located deep in the woods of northern Sweden, the server farm is designed with sustainability in mind. It’s powered by the renewable energy provided by the hydro-electric power plants installed on the surrounding rivers, while its clever design also utilizes the cold arctic air to make the whole system 10% more efficient and use almost 40% less power than traditional data centers. Opening up these impressive data centers is a necessity for huge companies like Facebook, Google and so on, to provide a stable data stream for users around the world while also storing huge backups in case of systems failure.

Photos of the secretive facility have been released by the company’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg himself, marking a step to the company’s very welcomed transparency policy: “Over the next few months, I’m going to start posting some rare photos of the most advanced technology Facebook is building around the world.

(h/t: dailymail)

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Mark Zuckerberg shared rare photos of Facebook’s massive data farm in Luleå, Sweden


It’s located deep in the woods of northern Sweden, 70 miles from the Arctic circle


Its clever design utilizes cold arctic air to cool down the array of servers which spans over the size of six football fields


Innovations like that make the whole system 10% more efficient and reduce the energy usage by almost 40% compared to traditional data centers


Funny enough, the data farm’s engineer, Jay Park, drew the first plan of this high-tech facility on a paper napkin


Now these enormous data centers are a necessity for huge companies like Facebook or Google to provide a stable data stream for users around the world and store huge backups


And if parts holding sensitive information are no longer usable, they’re torn apart to protect your privacy


Facebook aims to become more transparent : ‘Over the next few months, I’m going to start posting some rare photos of the most advanced technology Facebook is building around the world’ writes M. Zuckerberg



In cahoots with the secret orde...
With nobody. In cahoots with nobody.

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data farm, facebook, Facebook innovations, Facebook server farm, Facebook servers, Facebook storage, Facebook technologies, Facebook technology, Luleå, Mark Zuckerberg, server farm, Sweden